I have a NEW blog. Go CHECK it out and FOLLOW me!
Thankful --> Catch Up (x10)
1. I am thankful for my car. It gets me where I need to go and it's very nice.
2. I am thankful for my phone. It keeps me in touch with the people I really need to stay in touch with.
3. I am thankful for my iPod. I can listen to music and read a book on it all at the same time.
4. I am thankful for this past weekend. Twas the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!
5. I am thankful for My Savior, Jesus Christ. Without Him, sin would win.
6. I am thankful for my home. My parents work so hard to provide the life we live and I am very grateful for the security I get from this house.
7. I am thankful for electricity. I am sooo scared of the dark.
8. I am thankful for laughter. It truly is the best medicine.
9. I am thankful for my home congregation. It's so small and I am so comfortable there. I know anyone from there would be there for me in a heartbeat if I needed them.
10. I am thankful for THANKSGIVING! It's a time to get together with family, eat some home-cooking, and spend time with those you love the most.
Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone!!
Get up early to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade!
2. I am thankful for my phone. It keeps me in touch with the people I really need to stay in touch with.
3. I am thankful for my iPod. I can listen to music and read a book on it all at the same time.
4. I am thankful for this past weekend. Twas the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!
5. I am thankful for My Savior, Jesus Christ. Without Him, sin would win.
6. I am thankful for my home. My parents work so hard to provide the life we live and I am very grateful for the security I get from this house.
7. I am thankful for electricity. I am sooo scared of the dark.
8. I am thankful for laughter. It truly is the best medicine.
9. I am thankful for my home congregation. It's so small and I am so comfortable there. I know anyone from there would be there for me in a heartbeat if I needed them.
10. I am thankful for THANKSGIVING! It's a time to get together with family, eat some home-cooking, and spend time with those you love the most.
Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone!!
Get up early to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade!
Thankful --> Nataliee.
I know I talk about Nataliee constantly. If you're new to my blog, Nataliee is my little cousin. She is 3 1/2. She may be my cousin, but she's more like a little sister to me. Nataliee is the sweetest, funniest, cutest toddler I know. She keeps me smiling, laughing, and keeps my heart melting. This picture just shows an 1/4 of the toys she was given by a family friend last night. She now has more than enough toys to play with when she's over at my parents' house. She thought it was Christmas last night when she came over and saw all these toys. Oh, and that toy box beside her is a bench as well. It was mine when I was little. :)
Thankful --> Clean Water
Have you ever stopped to really appreciate that you have clean water to bath in and bottled water to drink? Hopefully, after reading that sentence you stopped to contemplate it. We are very lucky to live in a place where clean water is in our facets and our refrigerators. Do me a favor - visit this website. Wishing Well. You'll see why I am so thankful. Sometimes, it takes seeing what others don't have to appreciate what we do have.
Thankful --> Phone Calls
I am thankful that I can make a phone call to both my parents and just let it all out after I've had a horrible day. I can cry and scream and they understand. I am so blessed. I love you Mom & Dad.
Thank you so much for giving me 2 amazing parents who love me unconditionally and are always there with a listening ear.
Thank you so much for giving me 2 amazing parents who love me unconditionally and are always there with a listening ear.
Thankful --> College Class @ Church
I am so very thankful for college class at church. Tonight, God was definitely speaking through Jeff to me about something I've been struggling with for a long time!
The Desires of Your Heart.
Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. -Psalm 37:4
How do you interpret this verse? Do you think this means if you're following God you're going to get anything you want? Hardly. This verse isn't God telling you to follow Him or to get close to Him to get that car or that boy. It simply does not work like that and I think we, as humans, forget that sometimes. I know I'm guilty. This verse doesn't stand as rules for a trade off with God. Our faith doesn't work like that. God wants us to be so wrapped in Him that we lose sight of everything else. In today's society, it's very difficult. God promises us the desires of our hearts. We think we know the desires of our hearts, but we really don't. God knows them on a MUCH deeper level. We may think we want to be in relationship with 'that boy'. We may think we desire that, but deep down we know it isn't what would be right for us. That boy may be someone who would completely pull us away from God. Do you really think God wants us to have a relationship like that? ABSOLUTELY NOT! My preacher's wife from back home told me of a example her mother used to use on her. She said her mother used to make her stand on a chair. Her mother would tug at her arm and naturally the girl on the chair would stumble and either almost fall of the chair or completely fall off. Then her mom would have her stand back on the chair and her mom would be on the ground and she would say "okay, pull me up there with you." Which one was more difficult? I hope you said pulling her mom up. This example she used is perfect for dating life. If you date someone who is not a Christian, it is going to be easier for them to pull you down that it will be for you to pull them up. I'm not saying it's impossible for you to pull them up, because it does happen and I've seen it happen in relationships, it's just 10X as harder. I'm guilty of wanting a relationship that wouldn't of been God sent. No matter how bad I wanted this relationship, I knew it wasn't going to work because I know the type of guy God wants to me to be with. I would of been pulled down from the chair. Relationships are meant to be Christ-centered. That's why God created them. Sex is made to be kept for marriage. That's why God created it. It was a gift from God. These last few statements weren't to judge you or anyone. Every sin is equal with the exclusion of blasphemy - but that's another blog in itself. Most of the stuff is for me to remember. If you haven't found that relationship with that special someone - give it time. God knows what He's doing. He's got this in the bag. Trust me, you WANT a CHRIST-CENTERED relationship.
Pray for your future mate.
Thankful --> Electric Service Men
Today, I am thankful for the electric service men that made the power come back on last night. It was out for 4 hours and if you know well enough, you know I HATE the dark. I'm sure Amanda got really annoyed with me last night when I made her have a sleepover in the living room with me. Ha.
Thankful --> Shelter
I am thankful for the shelter I that I have to keep me safe and warm out of these storms. God has truly blessed me with parents who love me enough to make sure I never have to go without and make sure I'm safe and warm even when I'm away from home! Thank you God!
Thankful --> Website
I'm thankful for my new website!
If you haven't checked it out yet, please do!
My prices are cheap and I just added new projects! :)
Hit me up with your business! ;)
If you haven't checked it out yet, please do!
My prices are cheap and I just added new projects! :)
Hit me up with your business! ;)
Thankful --> My Baby Brother!
Today, as well as everyday, I am thankful for my baby brother. Although we fight quite a bit, we are still quite close. I can tell him secrets and I know he won't tell anyone. I am so thankful I have him for a sibling. However, when I was younger and I found out my mom was pregnant, I prayed to God that He would give me a little sister and I was pretty sure God said that He was going to. Haha. Let's just say I was super surprised when my Mom had her baby and it's wasn't a girl! But, I am so very thankful I didn't get what I "wanted" and that God gave me my brother. I couldn't imagine it any better!
I love you so much and am so grateful God made you my brother! God's light is shining on you as well as through you. I'm so proud of the young man you are growing up to be and how you aren't afraid to stand up for what you believe in. I'm one proud Sissy! I love you with all my heart!
I love you so much and am so grateful God made you my brother! God's light is shining on you as well as through you. I'm so proud of the young man you are growing up to be and how you aren't afraid to stand up for what you believe in. I'm one proud Sissy! I love you with all my heart!
Thankful --> My Mommy!
For those of you who don't know - my mom is my BEST friend. We are super close and this is a bond that was started with her and my Nanny and I was very fortunate that the bond was passed down to me. When my Nanny was still alive, all three of us were really close. Nanny was my other BEST friend. Luckily, I was blessed with a mom who is a wonderful Christian example for me and who, like my dad, let's me learn life lessons on my own but doesn't let me get too far off track. I like to think that my Mom knows me better than I know myself. She is always saying stuff about me that I don't realize until after the fact; which is very beneficial actually.
Thank you so much for being such a great Christian example for me. I truly appreciate you not only as a mom, but as a sister in Christ and my BEST friend. Thank you for showing me so much love and compassion. I am actually very grateful that it is so hard for me to stay away from home. I love you with all my heart!
Readers, what do you love most about your mommies? :)
Thank you so much for being such a great Christian example for me. I truly appreciate you not only as a mom, but as a sister in Christ and my BEST friend. Thank you for showing me so much love and compassion. I am actually very grateful that it is so hard for me to stay away from home. I love you with all my heart!
Readers, what do you love most about your mommies? :)
Thankful ---> My Daddy!
I feel like it's only right to be thankful today for my daddy because it's his BIRTHDAY! My daddy is now the big 4-4! I am so thankful that my dad provides for his family and that he cares enough to make sure all our needs are met. He puts his needs before his and sometimes our needs can challenge him. My dad suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis and I've seen him in pain that hurts me to see him in. My dad is an electrician, which means he uses his hands, a lot! The arthritis doesn't help at all. It scares me to think that one day my dad might be crippled, but then I put that fear away because my dad is strong and can get through anything, he'll NEVER be crippled! I mean, he got through raising me! So God, thank you so much for providing me with an earthly father who does a better job than most father's I know! Please watch over him and heal him, Lord!
If you read this, just know I love you so very much and I am soooo very thankful for you! Thank you for putting our needs before yours and for dealing with pain day in and day out to make sure we have roof over our head, clothes on our backs, and food in our mouths. I can never find the right words to completely thank you and tell you how much I really do appreciate you! I hope a marry a man who does the same for me and my children. I love you with all my heart! Happy Birthday! <3
Readers, what do you love about your daddies?
If you read this, just know I love you so very much and I am soooo very thankful for you! Thank you for putting our needs before yours and for dealing with pain day in and day out to make sure we have roof over our head, clothes on our backs, and food in our mouths. I can never find the right words to completely thank you and tell you how much I really do appreciate you! I hope a marry a man who does the same for me and my children. I love you with all my heart! Happy Birthday! <3
Readers, what do you love about your daddies?
Thankful --> Exercise
Today, I am thankful for exercise.
Exercise, no matter how hard or how easy, makes you feel good when you are done with it. My favorite exercise is running. I love being outside and getting fresh air.
What's your favorite type of exercise?
Exercise, no matter how hard or how easy, makes you feel good when you are done with it. My favorite exercise is running. I love being outside and getting fresh air.
What's your favorite type of exercise?
Thankful --> Kathryn Long
chicken, pumpkins, sugar, candy, ice cream, Mrs. Fields, pumpkin seeds,....
These are all the things Kathryn told me to be thankful for on this post right after she told me to be thankful for her.
Therefore, I am thankful for Kathryn Long. We're stuck at the hip and laugh our butts off constantly. :)
Thanks for such a good friend God!
These are all the things Kathryn told me to be thankful for on this post right after she told me to be thankful for her.
Therefore, I am thankful for Kathryn Long. We're stuck at the hip and laugh our butts off constantly. :)
Thanks for such a good friend God!
Thankful --> My Family.
I realize this is kind of a vague thing to be thankful for, but anyone who knows me well enough, knows that my family is something I treasure so very much. I am very much a family person and would put them before anything. Now, I'm not just talking about my immediate family, I'm talking grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.
I truly believe that this is the most wonderful time of the year. These next few months are going to be jam packed with family because of the holidays and I am so very thankful. While there are going to be some very important people missing from the equation this Christmas and Thanksgiving, they are still very much in my heart, so in a sense they are there. In a few months, I'm going to be sitting in the mountains with my family and some of my extended family soaking up the snow and living it up during Christmas. I am so very excited to spend quality time with these people and bond even more.
I seriously considered posting pictures of all my family members individually on this post because they are all so very very important to me, but I have to be realistic. I have too big of a family to do that.
God has blessed me in so many ways. One of them being, one amazing family that I know I can depend on for anything. Thank you God!
I truly believe that this is the most wonderful time of the year. These next few months are going to be jam packed with family because of the holidays and I am so very thankful. While there are going to be some very important people missing from the equation this Christmas and Thanksgiving, they are still very much in my heart, so in a sense they are there. In a few months, I'm going to be sitting in the mountains with my family and some of my extended family soaking up the snow and living it up during Christmas. I am so very excited to spend quality time with these people and bond even more.
I seriously considered posting pictures of all my family members individually on this post because they are all so very very important to me, but I have to be realistic. I have too big of a family to do that.
God has blessed me in so many ways. One of them being, one amazing family that I know I can depend on for anything. Thank you God!
Thankful --> My Camera.
Thankful --> The Truth.

For those of you who believe, isn't so amazing how God didn't leave anything out in what we face everyday? There is a scripture in the Bible for everything we could ever imagine. God in His infinite wisdom created a book, no a life map, especially just for us.
I am so thankful for His word and that I get to serve a God like Him.
And for those of you who don't believe, you're missing out!
Thankful --> This Sermon
Let me know how you like it. Enjoy!
Thankful --> My Job
Today, I am thankful for my job. For those of you who were keeping up with the times, I was working at Michaels due to leaving my old job at State Farm this summer. However, earlier this month because God answers prayers in His own time and does what He knows is best for us, my boss at State Farm asked me to come back. To the e-mail that he sent me, I quickly responded: YES, YES, YES! Okay, so maybe it was that drastic, but I was definitely up to taking my spot back at Dennis Chaumont - State Farm. This is my second week there and I am being quickly reminded how much I love the people, my boss, and my duties there. I'm starting to think my major should be business, but that's another blog for another time. What I'm wanting to say is, I am incredibly blessed to be back at State Farm. I'm the type of person who needs to have a schedule and being there, I know when I work all the time and I am able to take off as need be and I enjoy what I do. God truly takes care of His children and I'm so fortunate to serve a God that does! Can I get an amen?!
Thankful --> The Poor Will Be Glad
Today, I am thankful for this book:
"The Poor Will Be Glad" by Peter Greer & Phil Smith. My roommate picked this book up this weekend at the I AM NOW conference and I'm only a part of the way into it. I've always been concerned with the poverty here in America, starting with the homeless people and my roommate knows this. Every time I see a homeless person, my heart breaks and I'm motivated to do something. Sadly, this motivation doesn't last. I began reading this book last night and I'm a little into chapter 2 and my eyes have been opened so wide. These people, these beautiful people, are living in the worst conditions imaginable and we have the nerve to complain about petty things like not having enough jeans or not having a Diet Dr. Pepper?! These people don't have enough food, water, clothing, and their living conditions suck to put it nicely.
This excerpt from this book hit me so hard last night:
"When a friend gave a T-shirt to a boy in Zambia, the boy's grateful response was, 'Now when I wash my shirt, I do not have to be naked when it dries'."
Are you kidding me? Why is this okay? Why aren't we doing everything we can to help. This is why I love organizations like TOMS, Wishing Well, HOPE International, etc. If you haven't heard of these organizations, look them up. It'll make you think twice and encourage you to help change the lives of these people.
Here's the opening Bible verse for this book:
"The poor will see and be glad --
you who seek God, may your hearts live!
The Lord hears the needy
and does not despise his captive people."
-Psalm 69:32-33
What have you done lately to help someone in need? Be thankful for what you have every moment of every day. There are those who have it way worse then you and I am positive they'd be willing to switch their problems for yours!
"The Poor Will Be Glad" by Peter Greer & Phil Smith. My roommate picked this book up this weekend at the I AM NOW conference and I'm only a part of the way into it. I've always been concerned with the poverty here in America, starting with the homeless people and my roommate knows this. Every time I see a homeless person, my heart breaks and I'm motivated to do something. Sadly, this motivation doesn't last. I began reading this book last night and I'm a little into chapter 2 and my eyes have been opened so wide. These people, these beautiful people, are living in the worst conditions imaginable and we have the nerve to complain about petty things like not having enough jeans or not having a Diet Dr. Pepper?! These people don't have enough food, water, clothing, and their living conditions suck to put it nicely.
This excerpt from this book hit me so hard last night:
"When a friend gave a T-shirt to a boy in Zambia, the boy's grateful response was, 'Now when I wash my shirt, I do not have to be naked when it dries'."
Are you kidding me? Why is this okay? Why aren't we doing everything we can to help. This is why I love organizations like TOMS, Wishing Well, HOPE International, etc. If you haven't heard of these organizations, look them up. It'll make you think twice and encourage you to help change the lives of these people.
Here's the opening Bible verse for this book:
"The poor will see and be glad --
you who seek God, may your hearts live!
The Lord hears the needy
and does not despise his captive people."
-Psalm 69:32-33
What have you done lately to help someone in need? Be thankful for what you have every moment of every day. There are those who have it way worse then you and I am positive they'd be willing to switch their problems for yours!
Thankful --> Music
So, in case you were wondering I've decided to do away with the whole "Getting Friendly" series of my blog. I know I only did it once but I'm just not in the mood to do that series anymore. Instead, I've decided since we are exactly a month away from Thanksgiving today, I'm going to do a "Thankful" series until Thanksgiving. So here is my first "Thankful" blog:
I am thankful for:
Yes, music. Music of all kinds. I think it's interesting how lyrics can speak to the heart when they are combined with instruments when simple words sometimes cannot. Music is my "outlet". I go to it when I'm feeling sad or I'm needing motivation. Mainly, I've been listening to Taylor Swift a lot lately and boy can her lyrics speak to the heart.
What are you thankful for?
I am thankful for:
Yes, music. Music of all kinds. I think it's interesting how lyrics can speak to the heart when they are combined with instruments when simple words sometimes cannot. Music is my "outlet". I go to it when I'm feeling sad or I'm needing motivation. Mainly, I've been listening to Taylor Swift a lot lately and boy can her lyrics speak to the heart.
What are you thankful for?
Emotion: any strong agitation of the feelings actuated by experiencing love, hate, fear, etc., and usually accompanied by certain physiological changes, as increased heartbeat or respiration, and often overt manifestation, as crying or shaking.
(according to dictionary.com)
Emotion: The part of the consciousness that involves feeling; sensibility.
(according to urbandictionary.com)
You may be wondering why I have two versions of the definition. Then again, you may not have even noticed. I find it interesting half the time to see what urban dictionary has to say about some words and even some names. Also, you could by wondering why I chose this topic. My emotions have been running very wild here lately and it's to the point where I just wish we as humans didn't have emotions or on a less drastic note, we as women didn't have emotions that are so absurd and we could just be more laid back like guys are with their emotions.
That's really all I have for this. It was just a thought I had running through my head and I thought - why not go with it?
How are your emotions lately?
(according to dictionary.com)
Emotion: The part of the consciousness that involves feeling; sensibility.
(according to urbandictionary.com)
You may be wondering why I have two versions of the definition. Then again, you may not have even noticed. I find it interesting half the time to see what urban dictionary has to say about some words and even some names. Also, you could by wondering why I chose this topic. My emotions have been running very wild here lately and it's to the point where I just wish we as humans didn't have emotions or on a less drastic note, we as women didn't have emotions that are so absurd and we could just be more laid back like guys are with their emotions.
That's really all I have for this. It was just a thought I had running through my head and I thought - why not go with it?
How are your emotions lately?
Amen! Amen! Amen!
I have so many thoughts running through my mind right now! No worries, they're all happy! This won't be a depressing, ranting, "Cherish, quit complaining" blog tonight!
Okay, so first thought:
I know I've mentioned in previous blogs how I love the way a child's mind works which could partially be the reason for my chosen major. In particular, I love the way a toddler's mind works. Sunday morning at church I was sitting by my mom and my 3 year old ridiculously adorable cousin Nataliee and paying attention to the sermon (of course). Nataliee's at this stage where she wants you draw for her, a lot. Usually the object she wants you to draw ranges from a princess to a spider or a turtle. This Sunday, Mom was doing that for her, but then Nataliee said, "draw God". I looked over at mom and she looked back at me with a look that basically said "How in the world do I do that?" I was anxious to see what Mom was going to think up. I turned my attention back to the sermon and about 10 seconds later looked over to see what Mom drew. This is what I saw:
*disclaimer: this is not Mom's actual drawing.
Mom couldn't have portrayed it better with one single picture. After drawing this, she explained to Nataliee: God is in our hearts. Then Nataliee relplied: "draw Jesus." Can you guess how Mom drew that one? The same way but with Jesus' name in the heart. I've said it 1,000 times before and I'll say it again: The way a child's mind works and wants a visual portrait of God is so adorable.
Second thought:
I have a family member who has been struggling for a while with several things life has thrown at them. Basically for almost 3 years. It's been a rough three years for this person and this person has now seen the mercy, love and power of God. Things are going so well for this person right now and they aren't crediting themselves - they're crediting God. After I spoke with this person tonight, my heart was leaping for joy to hear how God was working in their life and how awesome they are doing after they've prayed, I've prayed, and how basically the whole family has prayed for the last 3 years! So God, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ANSWERED PRAYERS! YOU ARE AWESOME AND SO GOOD TO US!
How's life treating you?
Okay, so first thought:
I know I've mentioned in previous blogs how I love the way a child's mind works which could partially be the reason for my chosen major. In particular, I love the way a toddler's mind works. Sunday morning at church I was sitting by my mom and my 3 year old ridiculously adorable cousin Nataliee and paying attention to the sermon (of course). Nataliee's at this stage where she wants you draw for her, a lot. Usually the object she wants you to draw ranges from a princess to a spider or a turtle. This Sunday, Mom was doing that for her, but then Nataliee said, "draw God". I looked over at mom and she looked back at me with a look that basically said "How in the world do I do that?" I was anxious to see what Mom was going to think up. I turned my attention back to the sermon and about 10 seconds later looked over to see what Mom drew. This is what I saw:
*disclaimer: this is not Mom's actual drawing.
Mom couldn't have portrayed it better with one single picture. After drawing this, she explained to Nataliee: God is in our hearts. Then Nataliee relplied: "draw Jesus." Can you guess how Mom drew that one? The same way but with Jesus' name in the heart. I've said it 1,000 times before and I'll say it again: The way a child's mind works and wants a visual portrait of God is so adorable.
Second thought:
I have a family member who has been struggling for a while with several things life has thrown at them. Basically for almost 3 years. It's been a rough three years for this person and this person has now seen the mercy, love and power of God. Things are going so well for this person right now and they aren't crediting themselves - they're crediting God. After I spoke with this person tonight, my heart was leaping for joy to hear how God was working in their life and how awesome they are doing after they've prayed, I've prayed, and how basically the whole family has prayed for the last 3 years! So God, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ANSWERED PRAYERS! YOU ARE AWESOME AND SO GOOD TO US!
How's life treating you?
"What If's"
So, you know that game called "what if?" Okay, so its not really not a legitimate game. It's more of a game we play with ourselves. It's a one person game, if you will.
Well, I was talking to my dear roommate, Amanda (check out her blog), tonight about something that has been on my heart for the last week or so. I have no idea why its been on my heart this week or why its been so heavy on my heart - it just has. Now, I don't necessarily dislike that it's on my heart. I am somewhat grateful. And I'm not going to tell you readers what it's about - because if I did it could be something that would come back and bite me in the butt later and I would hate if it did. As I was telling her about it, she mentioned the "what if" game and I'm not going to lie - I sort of got emotional. This "thing" that has been put on my heart is not something I want to look back on later in life and be like "Why didn't I pursue that?" or "What if I would have pursued that?", "How would my life be different?" I want to test it and I want to see how it turns out. I don't understand why I got so emotional. The thought of 'losing' this "object" scares the crap out of me and in a way - I have already somewhat lost it - but as we speak/read I am trying to gain it back.
I really just need to pray about it.
What do you play the "what-if" game with?
Well, I was talking to my dear roommate, Amanda (check out her blog), tonight about something that has been on my heart for the last week or so. I have no idea why its been on my heart this week or why its been so heavy on my heart - it just has. Now, I don't necessarily dislike that it's on my heart. I am somewhat grateful. And I'm not going to tell you readers what it's about - because if I did it could be something that would come back and bite me in the butt later and I would hate if it did. As I was telling her about it, she mentioned the "what if" game and I'm not going to lie - I sort of got emotional. This "thing" that has been put on my heart is not something I want to look back on later in life and be like "Why didn't I pursue that?" or "What if I would have pursued that?", "How would my life be different?" I want to test it and I want to see how it turns out. I don't understand why I got so emotional. The thought of 'losing' this "object" scares the crap out of me and in a way - I have already somewhat lost it - but as we speak/read I am trying to gain it back.
I really just need to pray about it.
What do you play the "what-if" game with?
Bags Vs. Sacks
So here's the facts:
This is a bag:
and this is a sack:
I don't understand why customers at work act confused when I ask them if they want a sack for the 1 item they're buying and then proceed to say, "Do you mean a Bag?"
No, I mean a sack - they are free. You have to buy the bags!
What do you think?
This is a bag:
and this is a sack:
I don't understand why customers at work act confused when I ask them if they want a sack for the 1 item they're buying and then proceed to say, "Do you mean a Bag?"
No, I mean a sack - they are free. You have to buy the bags!
What do you think?
Running Towards the Sunset
So, I ended up not going to work tonight and I decided around 7:30 to go get me some ice cream. When I walked outside - I noticed a beautiful sunset. Sunsets always seem to get to me. In museums, we see extravagant paintings by famous artists like Picasso, but how often do we stop to take a glimpse at the many beautiful paintings God creates for us each and every day? To me, sunsets are the most beautiful thing. The different colors that are spread across the sky and the way God puts them together amazes me.
So, on my way to get ice cream tonight - I decided I wanted to capture the sunset with my camera. Since I was already on the road - I had to race back to my apartment to get my camera so I could take these pictures. After getting my camera - I made a mad dash towards the sunset. I probably drove 3 or 4 miles to get closer to it. Some of these pictures are really bad because I was taking them while I was driving and we all know that doesn't work - but my favorite one is the last one.
God is such an amazing artist. When was the last time you stopped to admire His work?
So, on my way to get ice cream tonight - I decided I wanted to capture the sunset with my camera. Since I was already on the road - I had to race back to my apartment to get my camera so I could take these pictures. After getting my camera - I made a mad dash towards the sunset. I probably drove 3 or 4 miles to get closer to it. Some of these pictures are really bad because I was taking them while I was driving and we all know that doesn't work - but my favorite one is the last one.
God is such an amazing artist. When was the last time you stopped to admire His work?
Just A Little Talk With Jesus Makes It Right
So, the other day, I didn't talk to my parents all day long except for a few texts to my mom and a short call to my dad. For those who know me pretty well, know how attached I am to my parents and how important family is to me and how often I talk to them everyday. Well, after realizing I hadn't talked to them all day, I sort of became sad. Then it hit me:
How come I don't become sad when I don't talk to my Heavenly Father daily or even twice a day or even more? After all, I should crave to talk to God.
You see, that's something I have struggled with lately is my prayer life. I mean I'll pray when I'm in a situation that scares me and just ask God to protect me or help me through it - but how come I can't pray for those who really need it?
I need to make prayer an essential part to my everyday life. Who's with me?
How's your prayer life?
How come I don't become sad when I don't talk to my Heavenly Father daily or even twice a day or even more? After all, I should crave to talk to God.
You see, that's something I have struggled with lately is my prayer life. I mean I'll pray when I'm in a situation that scares me and just ask God to protect me or help me through it - but how come I can't pray for those who really need it?
I need to make prayer an essential part to my everyday life. Who's with me?
How's your prayer life?
Getting Friendly --> Kathryn
Meet Kathryn.
and her dog, Sullivan.
Kathryn is super dooper awesome. I figured it was only fair that she be my first "Getting Friendly" spotlight, because I spend the majority of my time with her!
So in this segment, I figured I should just tell what I love about the friend I am referring too and run with it. So here goes:
As you can tell from this picture, Katy (she hates when I call her that) is super goofy. Literally every time we hang out, it's a laugh fest! And like I said we hang out a lot, so I'm constantly laughing! Kathryn and I share similar majors (she - Early Childhood Ed. me - Elementary Ed.) so we are in a lot of classes together! We also study together and go to the gym together. Like I stated before, we are always together! Kathryn is one heck of a person. She has a great relationship with Christ and actually cares about what I have to say half the time.
She is also very random; but it's that kinda random that it's funny and you pee your pants because your laughing so hard! (Disclaimer: I've never actually peed my pants, it's just an analogy.)
She also lifts me up when I'm having confidence issues -- or when I'm trying my hardest to eat healthy, she just says "Hey, let's grab a box of pizza." We usually do!
So there's my first one! My creative writing will get better, I promise!
and her dog, Sullivan.
Kathryn is super dooper awesome. I figured it was only fair that she be my first "Getting Friendly" spotlight, because I spend the majority of my time with her!

As you can tell from this picture, Katy (she hates when I call her that) is super goofy. Literally every time we hang out, it's a laugh fest! And like I said we hang out a lot, so I'm constantly laughing! Kathryn and I share similar majors (she - Early Childhood Ed. me - Elementary Ed.) so we are in a lot of classes together! We also study together and go to the gym together. Like I stated before, we are always together! Kathryn is one heck of a person. She has a great relationship with Christ and actually cares about what I have to say half the time.
She is also very random; but it's that kinda random that it's funny and you pee your pants because your laughing so hard! (Disclaimer: I've never actually peed my pants, it's just an analogy.)
She also lifts me up when I'm having confidence issues -- or when I'm trying my hardest to eat healthy, she just says "Hey, let's grab a box of pizza." We usually do!
So there's my first one! My creative writing will get better, I promise!
Good day!
No, I have not had a nap today even though I literally have one every day. I'm like a 2 year old. Regardless, of not getting my "nap time" in. I have had a pretty awesome day. It hasn't been very out of the ordinary, but I did get to start something new. Today was the day that I started my field experience. I am super excited about this opportunity. I'll admit, I was kind of dreading it, but once I went and met the teacher and the kiddos I will be working with for the next few weeks, I loved it! I'm helping out with Mrs. Quisenberry's class and let me say, she is awesome! She is somewhat old school when it comes to her teaching, but she is an excellent teacher and the little 3rd graders are too cute! It's making me realize how much I really do want to be a teacher and definitely reassuring me in my major! Thanks God!
New Blog Segment
So, I've decided to feature a new segment on my blog. It's going to cover friends. Each week, I'll spotlight a friend of mine, simply to show how God has blessed me with this person. Why a "friend" segment you ask? In the Wednesday night college Bible class that I attend, the topic we are covering is friendships, relationships, etc. I've realized recently that God has blessed me with some truly amazing friends that help me through everything. We'll call this segment "Getting Friendly". Corny, I know. :) I may change the title later. :)
Keep an eye out, you may be the next friend to be talked about. :)
Keep an eye out, you may be the next friend to be talked about. :)
Remembering 9/11
September 11, 2001. Where were you? How old were you? What do you remember about it?
It's crazy to think that it's been 10 years since terrorists tried to break what it meant to have Freedom. Today, I watched the live footage from that day. I needed a good reminder seeing as how I was only 10 when it happened and I don't remember much. Watching the live footage from that day and seeing those buildings fall like they did, is such a horrific scene. Although terrorists tried to destroy our America, they did not succeed. I almost feel like we, as Americans, became a tighter unit. We have American pride that is stronger that ever.
It's crazy to think that it's been 10 years since terrorists tried to break what it meant to have Freedom. Today, I watched the live footage from that day. I needed a good reminder seeing as how I was only 10 when it happened and I don't remember much. Watching the live footage from that day and seeing those buildings fall like they did, is such a horrific scene. Although terrorists tried to destroy our America, they did not succeed. I almost feel like we, as Americans, became a tighter unit. We have American pride that is stronger that ever.
Fantastic Weekend!
So, this was my first weekend to go home since school started and work started. I was very hopeful that the weekend wouldn't be a bore and I would be able to spend quality time with my family. It was a fantastic weekend.
Mom took me out to eat and get pedicures! It was so great to spend time with her.
Mom made a feast that night for dinner - Enchilada Bake (one of my favorites), nachos and cake!
That night, we had a bunch of family over and I got to spend the evening with them.
I started feeling ill during church but luckily sweet Alpha Hall noticed and gave me some medicine. However, this medicine made me groggy so mom kindly took notes for me.
After church I tried to take a nap to shake the grogginess, but I was happily awakened my mom's cousin (my cousin) Misty. She lives 8 hours away and we don't get to see her very often, so I was delighted to see her - she always brings out the funny in me. ;)
After Misty and her son Thomas left - I went back upstairs to try to rest up before church that night and shake the grogginess. I did get to sleep for about an hour.
Before trying to go to church, I convinced my aunt and uncle to let me steal their precious daughter, Nataliee, for a little while. But, before I could go get her, my other aunt and uncle dropped by and we visited with them, and missed evening services but I still got to spend time with my beautiful Nataliee.
Later that night - Mom was kind enough to die my hair and trim it for me! After all that was said and done and Mom, Dad, Dylan & I laid around the living room and watched several movies together.
And as for today - I woke up and drove to Edmond so I could work.
I would say this weekend turned out incredible. I was able to spend time with my family and get pampered by my mother.
Thank you GOD for a wonderful weekend with the people I love so much!
How was your weekend?
Mom took me out to eat and get pedicures! It was so great to spend time with her.
Mom made a feast that night for dinner - Enchilada Bake (one of my favorites), nachos and cake!
That night, we had a bunch of family over and I got to spend the evening with them.
I started feeling ill during church but luckily sweet Alpha Hall noticed and gave me some medicine. However, this medicine made me groggy so mom kindly took notes for me.
After church I tried to take a nap to shake the grogginess, but I was happily awakened my mom's cousin (my cousin) Misty. She lives 8 hours away and we don't get to see her very often, so I was delighted to see her - she always brings out the funny in me. ;)
After Misty and her son Thomas left - I went back upstairs to try to rest up before church that night and shake the grogginess. I did get to sleep for about an hour.
Before trying to go to church, I convinced my aunt and uncle to let me steal their precious daughter, Nataliee, for a little while. But, before I could go get her, my other aunt and uncle dropped by and we visited with them, and missed evening services but I still got to spend time with my beautiful Nataliee.
Later that night - Mom was kind enough to die my hair and trim it for me! After all that was said and done and Mom, Dad, Dylan & I laid around the living room and watched several movies together.
And as for today - I woke up and drove to Edmond so I could work.
I would say this weekend turned out incredible. I was able to spend time with my family and get pampered by my mother.
Thank you GOD for a wonderful weekend with the people I love so much!
How was your weekend?
Hey All,
Sorry it's been so long since I've blogged. School is officially underway. I currently do not have internet in my apartment (still working on that) so that is why it's been a while. I'm currently sitting in Chambers Library at UCO in the computer lab typing this. Let's hope I don't get caught. Let me catch you up briefly on what's happened this month - August.
1.) I moved back to Edmond to my quaint little apartment that is equipped with fire place.
2.) I started my job at Michaels and I'm loving it!
3.) I started my "Junior" year of college - bring on the stress.
4.) I've been reunited with all of my friends and it's so nice to get back into a routine again!
How has your month been?
Peace -
Sorry it's been so long since I've blogged. School is officially underway. I currently do not have internet in my apartment (still working on that) so that is why it's been a while. I'm currently sitting in Chambers Library at UCO in the computer lab typing this. Let's hope I don't get caught. Let me catch you up briefly on what's happened this month - August.
1.) I moved back to Edmond to my quaint little apartment that is equipped with fire place.
2.) I started my job at Michaels and I'm loving it!
3.) I started my "Junior" year of college - bring on the stress.
4.) I've been reunited with all of my friends and it's so nice to get back into a routine again!
How has your month been?
Peace -
Busy Weekend
So, I moved into my new apartment on Sunday. (If you want a glimpse of it - there are pictures on my facebook.) It's cute - but I'm already starting to feel the burden of the expenses and I'm not even paying for my apartment!! My parents are! Point being, I hate feeling like I am putting a huge load on my parents. It's not fair to them. I'm almost 21 years old and I can't even fend for myself (financially). Any one have any money saving tips for me? I'd appreciate them.
It just hit me - I'm moving back to Edmond tomorrow!! While I'm excited to see my friends, start my new job and see my friends, I'm so sad to be leaving my wonderful family. In case you didn't know - family means EVERYTHING to me. I am a Momma's Girl and a Daddy's Girl. I'm so close to my family and I'm so sad to be leaving. Hopefully, my new job will let me be off every other weekend and I can come home and see them often. I'm getting teary-eyed just thinking about leaving. I'm a big baby, I know. But with this realization today, I came to the conclusion. I am more than likely made to marry a nice Christian country boy. I'm made to live in Ryan or near Ryan for the rest of my life and I am more than content with that. I'm okay with a simple life. I don't need an over abundance of money or fancy things. I'm your simple down home country girl. I'm not saying I'm looking for my "CCB" (Christian Country Boy) right now, but I know I'll have to have him one day. I'm facing the same thing as my friend Taryn right now. Check out her latest blog post. It's an eye opener. :)
Wanna know what I did yesterday? I "Nanny-mopped". What is "Nanny-mopping" you ask? Well, it is a technique used to clean floors. Why is this so important to blog about? Because it is named after my wonderful grandmother. Many of you probably know who my grandmother was.
If not, this is her in her prime.
The term "Nanny-mopping" comes from her. Here's the definition:
-using a wet and/or soapy towel to take spills/stains off a floor that is tile, wood, or another hard surface.
Now that I've introduced this term - let me tell you a little bit about my grandmother - My Nanny.
My Nanny was one of the greatest women I ever knew. She truly was a woman after God's own heart and tried her best to live for him. She is truly one of my role-models in how a Christian woman should be.
She truly put God first, Family Second, Others Third, Herself Last. She was there for me whenever I needed a confidant (or when I couldn't tell my Mom things.). She passed away way too soon, but she will forever live on in my heart.
Rev. 21:1-4 (Her favorite verse.)
If not, this is her in her prime.
The term "Nanny-mopping" comes from her. Here's the definition:
-using a wet and/or soapy towel to take spills/stains off a floor that is tile, wood, or another hard surface.
Now that I've introduced this term - let me tell you a little bit about my grandmother - My Nanny.
My Nanny was one of the greatest women I ever knew. She truly was a woman after God's own heart and tried her best to live for him. She is truly one of my role-models in how a Christian woman should be.
She truly put God first, Family Second, Others Third, Herself Last. She was there for me whenever I needed a confidant (or when I couldn't tell my Mom things.). She passed away way too soon, but she will forever live on in my heart.
Rev. 21:1-4 (Her favorite verse.)
Oh My.
I'm in disbelief. I'm starting my 3rd year of college in a week and a half. This so unreal. It's seems like just yesterday I was graduating high school. Ay yi yi.
Without a home?
Meet Dan. Dan is homeless. Dan wasn't always a homeless man living on the streets. He used to be a VP for a major firm in New York. He had a wife, 3 kids, and a dog named Scruffy. Dan also had a huge house and several nice cars. One day, Dan's world came crashing down. The major firm he worked for went bankrupt and Dan was one of the first people to be laid off. Dan didn't lose everything he loved right away - it took several months for his house to be foreclosed on and his cars to be repossessed. After those were gone, so were his wife and kids. Dan was left to live a life out on the streets and receive disgusted looks from passer-by's in New York. How would you react to Dan if you saw him or someone like him? Would you roll your eyes and keep walking or stop and give him money not knowing if it was going to get him beer or food?
I think that question is something we'd all have a hard time truly answering because by the outward appearance of that man, he doesn't look trustworthy. But Dan was actually a devout member of a church in NYC and didn't wreck his life by using drugs or alcohol, he simply lost his job and all else followed.
This passage really inspired me and got me to thinking. What if a homeless person is an angel? God tells us in this passage that someone we meet very well could be. Why not treat everyone we meet with respect and do our best to help them with whatever needed?
The man I spoke about was not a real man - I made all that up. However, there more than likely is someone like him out there.
What do you think?
I think that question is something we'd all have a hard time truly answering because by the outward appearance of that man, he doesn't look trustworthy. But Dan was actually a devout member of a church in NYC and didn't wreck his life by using drugs or alcohol, he simply lost his job and all else followed.
"Let brotherly love continue. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels." - Hebrews 13:1-2
This passage really inspired me and got me to thinking. What if a homeless person is an angel? God tells us in this passage that someone we meet very well could be. Why not treat everyone we meet with respect and do our best to help them with whatever needed?
The man I spoke about was not a real man - I made all that up. However, there more than likely is someone like him out there.
What do you think?
You Can Pick Your Nose, You Can Pick Your Friends...but You Can't Pick Your Friend's Nose.
I like to feel like I have a wide variety of friends. I have been thinking about friends a lot lately. Now, I've made a few bad decisions in friends - but I've mainly made good decisions. According to the dictionary a friend is
a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
I have friends who I am so very lucky to have. I've been through troubling times with some of them where we haven't spoken and it took us a little while to earn trust back. I like to believe that I'm in a good place right now in my life with friends.
Let's just put it this way - friends are the people who help to mold you. The people you hang out with are going to be the people whom you are like. So if you're hanging out with great Godly people - chances are it'll make you strive to be great and Godly as well. But, if you're hanging out with people who have no morals and have hideous souls, you WILL turn out like them!
"Do not be deceived: 'Evil company corrupts good habits.'" - 1 Corinthians 15:33
This scripture is so true. I've experienced it myself and I'm sure many of you have too.
"Do not be deceived: 'Evil company corrupts good habits.'" - 1 Corinthians 15:33
This scripture is so true. I've experienced it myself and I'm sure many of you have too.
"And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it." - 1 Corinthians 12:26
While this scripture is talking about the members of a church - it can also be used for friends. If your friend is suffering, you should suffer with her. Not necessarily the same kind of suffer - but still feel pain for her and be there for her. If she has had a triumph - you should be glad and help her celebrate.
Which brings me to my next thing ---
Some of you may know my very good friend, Alana. Alana's father Jeff was recently diagnosed with cancer. Alana and her family are very dear to my heart and I love them to death. I'm asking that you please pray for them and pray for Jeff's quick healing. Also, if you go to church, please put them on your church prayer list. It's greatly appreciated.
While this scripture is talking about the members of a church - it can also be used for friends. If your friend is suffering, you should suffer with her. Not necessarily the same kind of suffer - but still feel pain for her and be there for her. If she has had a triumph - you should be glad and help her celebrate.
Which brings me to my next thing ---
Some of you may know my very good friend, Alana. Alana's father Jeff was recently diagnosed with cancer. Alana and her family are very dear to my heart and I love them to death. I'm asking that you please pray for them and pray for Jeff's quick healing. Also, if you go to church, please put them on your church prayer list. It's greatly appreciated.
Childlike Innocence
So, I'm sure I've blogged about the innocence of a child before -- but childlike innocence is just something that I really love. I just love the idea of being so innocent to how this world is and how some things really are - that you are so carefree.
For instance, my home church's VBS was this week and I took my 3 year old cousin, Nataliee. This year I was a group leader and I had 3 year olds to Kindergarten kids. Let's just say that group is really hard to look after..especially when there are 18 of them!! Anyway, one night during class a very dear lady from our church was telling a Bible Story over Samuel and she dressed up in a robe to mimic the looks of Bible times. Well, at one point in the story, Nataliee look up at me and goes, "Is that God?" I absolutely loved that her mind isn't developed enough to realize that we can't see God and although He is here with us on earth, it's not the kind of way some of us would want Him to be here.
The 3rd night of VBS, a man from our church was telling a story over Joseph and he was wearing a robe as well. Again, Nataliee looked up at me with a questioned expression and said, "Is that Jesus?" Still with that same innocence. Of course, I couldn't explain to her right then and there that God & Jesus are up in Heaven -- but still here with us on earth.
"Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven." -Matthew 18:3
So, readers, what do you think? Is a childlike innocence a good thing to have or is it not something that you desire?
Think about it,
For instance, my home church's VBS was this week and I took my 3 year old cousin, Nataliee. This year I was a group leader and I had 3 year olds to Kindergarten kids. Let's just say that group is really hard to look after..especially when there are 18 of them!! Anyway, one night during class a very dear lady from our church was telling a Bible Story over Samuel and she dressed up in a robe to mimic the looks of Bible times. Well, at one point in the story, Nataliee look up at me and goes, "Is that God?" I absolutely loved that her mind isn't developed enough to realize that we can't see God and although He is here with us on earth, it's not the kind of way some of us would want Him to be here.
The 3rd night of VBS, a man from our church was telling a story over Joseph and he was wearing a robe as well. Again, Nataliee looked up at me with a questioned expression and said, "Is that Jesus?" Still with that same innocence. Of course, I couldn't explain to her right then and there that God & Jesus are up in Heaven -- but still here with us on earth.
"Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven." -Matthew 18:3
So, readers, what do you think? Is a childlike innocence a good thing to have or is it not something that you desire?
Think about it,
My inspiration to blog tonight comes from a few scriptures I read tonight. If some of you don't already know, I'm trying to read the whole Bible. While this goal is a big one - I WILL accomplish it. I've started with the New Testament but I started to get kinda lazy with it, so I mixed it up. I read the whole book of Psalm to take a little break. I finished Psalm tonight and now I'm working on Mark. If you're interested, here is what I've read so far:
Matthew, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, Psalm.
So I have 6 books left in the New Testament. Not too shabby, eh?
Okay, so on to the scriptures:
"In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul." -Psalm 138:3
I just think it's so amazing how God can give us strength to go through anything. 'If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.'
"....Happy are the people whose God is the Lord." -Psalm 144:15
Christians have to truly be the most happiest people on earth because of the hope that is in our hearts. We know who our God is and we know He will always provide. We have a whole book to prove it!
"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name. Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite." -Psalm 147:3-5
My heart started beating a little bit faster when I read this verse. God has the ability to count EVERY star and name them all. Also, His understanding of everything never ends.
These are just a few of the many verses that I highlighted in my Bible tonight. (I'm kinda a highlight freak.)
Our God is sooo great! Praise be to Him.
Matthew, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, Psalm.
So I have 6 books left in the New Testament. Not too shabby, eh?
Okay, so on to the scriptures:
"In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul." -Psalm 138:3
I just think it's so amazing how God can give us strength to go through anything. 'If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.'
"....Happy are the people whose God is the Lord." -Psalm 144:15
Christians have to truly be the most happiest people on earth because of the hope that is in our hearts. We know who our God is and we know He will always provide. We have a whole book to prove it!
"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name. Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite." -Psalm 147:3-5
My heart started beating a little bit faster when I read this verse. God has the ability to count EVERY star and name them all. Also, His understanding of everything never ends.
These are just a few of the many verses that I highlighted in my Bible tonight. (I'm kinda a highlight freak.)
Our God is sooo great! Praise be to Him.
About A B....er..uh. Nevermind.
Oh what to say what to say.
I know I want to blog right now but I just can't put all the words together easily enough.
So this blog will probably seem a little scrambled and weird. Oh well, I'm weird. What can I say?!
Okay -- so there is this thing I've been praying about for a month now probably. See, I've given God the pen to a certain aspect of my life. I mean he has the pen to my whole life story, but with this area I'm just like "Whatever God, you take this; I'm tired of messing with it." I've have prayed really hard about this situation and I think God is finally answering my "questions" but it feels off. I'm trying to be chill and everything about it, but something isn't right. What I think God's answer is shouldn't be swaying for yes to no with each passing day. I don't understand why I'm not able to hear God's exact answer and I don't understand what I can do to hear it. I read my Bible every night and I'm trying to follow closely to Him; not because I want the answer - I just do that because I want a better relationship with God. So, readers, how do you know when God is talking to you and what His answer is? Please share any advice/stories with me.
John 10:27 - My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
I'm scared I'm not hearing God's voice. I should be able too. I should know His voice. Or could it be that I'm too stubborn to listen and take His answer to what He wants for me? I just wish it was Bible times and I could actually hear His voice.
Tell me what you think,
I know I want to blog right now but I just can't put all the words together easily enough.
So this blog will probably seem a little scrambled and weird. Oh well, I'm weird. What can I say?!
Okay -- so there is this thing I've been praying about for a month now probably. See, I've given God the pen to a certain aspect of my life. I mean he has the pen to my whole life story, but with this area I'm just like "Whatever God, you take this; I'm tired of messing with it." I've have prayed really hard about this situation and I think God is finally answering my "questions" but it feels off. I'm trying to be chill and everything about it, but something isn't right. What I think God's answer is shouldn't be swaying for yes to no with each passing day. I don't understand why I'm not able to hear God's exact answer and I don't understand what I can do to hear it. I read my Bible every night and I'm trying to follow closely to Him; not because I want the answer - I just do that because I want a better relationship with God. So, readers, how do you know when God is talking to you and what His answer is? Please share any advice/stories with me.
John 10:27 - My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
I'm scared I'm not hearing God's voice. I should be able too. I should know His voice. Or could it be that I'm too stubborn to listen and take His answer to what He wants for me? I just wish it was Bible times and I could actually hear His voice.
Tell me what you think,
Searching for God's Answer
Okay, so I've recently came across a situation where I'm being a "human" and wanting something to happen that may or may not be the best for me. I literally have no idea if it is good or if its going to happen. I've been praying pretty hard about it. Then came a bump in the road like there usually is and I became distraught and very upset. I started see a jealous side of myself that I absolutely hate. I don't like being a jealous person and not even 15 minutes ago, I just sat there and poured my heart out to God. So here I was sitting on Pinterest (my new favorite website, by the way) and a thought comes across my mind and suddenly I'm relieved of my jealousy. I'm reminded that what I'm thinking is happening really isn't because deep down in my heart I knew that what I was being jealous over was nothing to be, because more than likely it doesn't exist. It's amazing to me how God can answer a prayer so quickly and relieve me of this devilish emotion. While the major thing I've been praying for hasn't been answered, I'm still in a better state then what I was 15 minutes ago. Thank you God!
On a Mission for God,
On a Mission for God,
Happy (Late) Father's Day!!
Okay, so I know I haven't blogged in a while but I've been in Germany for a month and I'm still trying to recover on sleep. But I do want to take a moment to say how blessed I am to have a dad like mine.
All joking aside, my dad is someone who provides for his family. He works hard and perseveres even through his Rheumatoid Arthritis. He is always there for me and has my back. He's the best dad a girl could ask for.
Happy Late Father's Day Dad. I love you.
He has better advice than Dr. Phil.
He likes to joke around.
& He's really tough.
All joking aside, my dad is someone who provides for his family. He works hard and perseveres even through his Rheumatoid Arthritis. He is always there for me and has my back. He's the best dad a girl could ask for.
Happy Late Father's Day Dad. I love you.
Hey All!
I've created a new special blog for the mission trip. I'll still be using this blog, but probably not until I get back. So for the time being, go to: imonamissionforgod.blogspot.com. I'm actually on my way to the airport right now! Eek!
On a Mission for God,
I've created a new special blog for the mission trip. I'll still be using this blog, but probably not until I get back. So for the time being, go to: imonamissionforgod.blogspot.com. I'm actually on my way to the airport right now! Eek!
On a Mission for God,
Happy Birthday Mommy!!
I'll Take Semester Grades for 500, Alex.
DISCLAIMER: The above title is pretty dorky, I know. But what can I say? I am a dork. You'll understand once you read the full blog. :)
So, I got my semester grades in! They are as follows:
A - Structures of Math
A - Technology for Teachers
C - Fundamentals of Literature
P - (stands for Pass.) Walking Fitness
Yeah, not the best grades in the world, but not the worst considering my other semesters! I do have to say that I was very proud of myself though! 2 A's! That has to be a record in college for me! It makes me feel like I actually am smart!
You see...I've been stuck in a rut this past semester...Here's why:
I went from a 4.0 in High School and being Valedictorian to a 2.3ish in College. I felt completely down about it, until I got the grades from this semester. I wasn't expecting one A, let alone 2! I CAN DO IT! I'm smart enough to make A's in college, I just have to BELIEVE in myself! I mean, do I think I could win Jeopardy (where title comes into play.) or go to Harvard? NO! But I'm smart enough to do good in college make A's. I haven't lost my intelligence from high school, I still have it. I just needed to be reminded of it!
With all of that being said and now that I've had an epiphany, I wanted to discuss something a little more serious. I'm leaving on my mission trip to Germany in 5 days! 5 days, crazy right?! I'm going to try my best to update my blog with reports while I'm there, but I think e-mail would be easier, so if you want a report while I'm gone, send me your e-mail and I'll send you a report, probably about once a week. That's my goal! Also, please pray for myself and the campaign group as we are over there spreading God's word through song and pray that God uses us to change lives!
On a Mission for God,
So, I got my semester grades in! They are as follows:
A - Structures of Math
A - Technology for Teachers
C - Fundamentals of Literature
P - (stands for Pass.) Walking Fitness
Yeah, not the best grades in the world, but not the worst considering my other semesters! I do have to say that I was very proud of myself though! 2 A's! That has to be a record in college for me! It makes me feel like I actually am smart!
You see...I've been stuck in a rut this past semester...Here's why:
I went from a 4.0 in High School and being Valedictorian to a 2.3ish in College. I felt completely down about it, until I got the grades from this semester. I wasn't expecting one A, let alone 2! I CAN DO IT! I'm smart enough to make A's in college, I just have to BELIEVE in myself! I mean, do I think I could win Jeopardy (where title comes into play.) or go to Harvard? NO! But I'm smart enough to do good in college make A's. I haven't lost my intelligence from high school, I still have it. I just needed to be reminded of it!
With all of that being said and now that I've had an epiphany, I wanted to discuss something a little more serious. I'm leaving on my mission trip to Germany in 5 days! 5 days, crazy right?! I'm going to try my best to update my blog with reports while I'm there, but I think e-mail would be easier, so if you want a report while I'm gone, send me your e-mail and I'll send you a report, probably about once a week. That's my goal! Also, please pray for myself and the campaign group as we are over there spreading God's word through song and pray that God uses us to change lives!
On a Mission for God,
Happy Mother's Day Mommy!
Happy Mother's Day to my beautiful and "close to" perfect mother! :)
Thank you for all you do for me. I couldn't of asked for a better mother. Thanks for being my best friend!!
I love
Thanks for being a great example for me!
Happy Mother's Day to all the other mothers out there!
On a Mission for God,
Thank you for all you do for me. I couldn't of asked for a better mother. Thanks for being my best friend!!
I love
Thanks for being a great example for me!
Happy Mother's Day to all the other mothers out there!
On a Mission for God,
Goodbye 2nd year of College!
I finally finished my second year of school today! This semester has been a long and trying one.
I've done good in some classes and done terrible in classes, but that is all part of your college career.
I've gained friendships and I've lost friendships, but as I always say and firmly believe, "Everything happens for a reason".
I've also lost 3 of the best roommates a girl could ask for! I had such a great year living with these girls!
You can probably tell from the picture what great fun we had! There was NEVER a dull moment in our apartment!
There goes a chapter in my life, but I am excited to see what the next chapter brings.
God, take the rest of my year and surprise me!
On a Mission for God,
P.S. I leave for Germany in 11 days!! Eeek!
I've done good in some classes and done terrible in classes, but that is all part of your college career.
I've gained friendships and I've lost friendships, but as I always say and firmly believe, "Everything happens for a reason".
I've also lost 3 of the best roommates a girl could ask for! I had such a great year living with these girls!
You can probably tell from the picture what great fun we had! There was NEVER a dull moment in our apartment!
There goes a chapter in my life, but I am excited to see what the next chapter brings.
God, take the rest of my year and surprise me!
On a Mission for God,
P.S. I leave for Germany in 11 days!! Eeek!
Royal Wedding, of course!
So, I was just now able to actually sit down and watch the Royal Wedding. Thank goodness for DVR and re-runs! Here's a few things I liked/disliked about the wedding...
I LOVED Kate's dress!!
I absolutely loved the sleeves on it! I want my wedding to be a vintage inspired wedding and I felt like her dress was somewhat vintage! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!
Prince Harry was looking Good!!

Hey Prince Harry, I'm single!! :)

Hey Prince Harry, I'm single!! :)
I also LOVED the trees in the church that they used for decoration during the ceremony!
(but I couldn't find a picture..sad day)
What I didn't like what the kiss..it wasn't long enough! Can I get an amen? I would be wanting the first kiss with my new husband to be longer than 4 seconds!!
What'd you think of the wedding??
On a Mission for God,
On a Mission for God,
Once Saved, Always Saved?? ...I don't think soo.
Okay, so this post could get me into some trouble...
Have you ever heard the saying "Once Saved, Always Saved"? What do you think about this?
Personally, I think this saying is ridiculous!!
Basically the way I interpret this saying and what I have been told by someone who believes this, is that once you are "saved", you can go and do what you please, and you're still "good with God". I don't think soooo.
"...Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life." - Rev. 2:10
BE FAITHFUL.. UNTIL DEATH. Nowhere does that say go do what you please, your good to go...
So, readers, tell me what you think...
On a Mission for God,
Have you ever heard the saying "Once Saved, Always Saved"? What do you think about this?
Personally, I think this saying is ridiculous!!
Basically the way I interpret this saying and what I have been told by someone who believes this, is that once you are "saved", you can go and do what you please, and you're still "good with God". I don't think soooo.
"...Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life." - Rev. 2:10
BE FAITHFUL.. UNTIL DEATH. Nowhere does that say go do what you please, your good to go...
So, readers, tell me what you think...
On a Mission for God,
"God Moments"
Have you ever had one of those moments when you just know that God is looking out for you? Like it's more and more realisitc to you than before? I've had a couple of them and they are my favorite moments. I like to call them...
"God Moments".
For instance, today as my family and I were traveling back from NTLTC which is in Dallas, TX, we stopped in Decatur, TX to get a few things for our Easter celebration tomorrow. We were all kind of a little gripy because we were running low on sleep and trying to get things together for Easter last minute, so I guess you could say that we needed a wake-up call. Well, we got one.
While we were checking out in Wal-Mart, a person comes over the intercom and announces that there is a tornado that has touched down in Decatur and everyone needed to get to the middle of the store. As we preceeded to the middle of the store, I kept telling myself, "Don't freak out Cherish, every thing will be okay." But then I would doubt myself of course, because who am I? I didn't really know if everything would be okay. I then sat down on the ground and started praying, just asking God to keep us safe if it was His will and to comfort me. He definitely came through! After I prayed I started looking up verses on my "Phone Bible" about safety and reading those. Then, all of the sudden, the song "Safe" by Phil Wickham popped in my head. For those of you who don't know the song, in one line it says "You will be safe in His arms, You will be safe in His arms." Those few words kept repeating in my head and I was so calm.
After we got home, my mom commented on how calm I had been during all of the mess and I just replied "Thanks Mom, but it wasn't me who kept myself calm."
God kept me calm and safe and I am so greatful for that and the love He shows us.
On a Mission for God,
"God Moments".
For instance, today as my family and I were traveling back from NTLTC which is in Dallas, TX, we stopped in Decatur, TX to get a few things for our Easter celebration tomorrow. We were all kind of a little gripy because we were running low on sleep and trying to get things together for Easter last minute, so I guess you could say that we needed a wake-up call. Well, we got one.
While we were checking out in Wal-Mart, a person comes over the intercom and announces that there is a tornado that has touched down in Decatur and everyone needed to get to the middle of the store. As we preceeded to the middle of the store, I kept telling myself, "Don't freak out Cherish, every thing will be okay." But then I would doubt myself of course, because who am I? I didn't really know if everything would be okay. I then sat down on the ground and started praying, just asking God to keep us safe if it was His will and to comfort me. He definitely came through! After I prayed I started looking up verses on my "Phone Bible" about safety and reading those. Then, all of the sudden, the song "Safe" by Phil Wickham popped in my head. For those of you who don't know the song, in one line it says "You will be safe in His arms, You will be safe in His arms." Those few words kept repeating in my head and I was so calm.
After we got home, my mom commented on how calm I had been during all of the mess and I just replied "Thanks Mom, but it wasn't me who kept myself calm."
God kept me calm and safe and I am so greatful for that and the love He shows us.
On a Mission for God,
Deep Kind Of Love
So, the other day, I was discussing with my dad where I would be going during my free travel during the mission trip this summer. For those of you who are curious, I am going to Amsterdam, Holland & Vienna, Austria. Whenever I told my dad I was going to Amsterdam, he freaked! He went on to say "Do you realize what Amsterdam is known for?" Of course, I do. But that is definitely not what I am going for. As my dad continued to freak out, he said "If something happens to you, I will spend the rest of my life looking for you." Those words hit me hard, in a good way. My dad - my protector - vowed to me that if something were to happen to me while I was overseas, he would spend the REST OF HIS LIFE looking for me. I wanted to bawl my eyes out right then. (I quickly reassured him that I was only going to be there for a day; it helped a little.) You may be wondering why I wanted to bawl my eyes out. The kind of love my dad was expressing in those few words is a deep kind of love. My dad loves me so much that he would spend the rest of his life looking for me if something were to happen to me. (Which I'm sure it won't and I'll come back to the states in 1 piece.) That is amazing love that is hard to describe. I am so so blessed to have a "daddy" like him. I love him so much. :)
However, this is not the point of this blog.
My point is:
If my dad loves me so much to "look for me for the rest of his life", I can only begin to imagine how much my God loves me. He is love is deeper, unfailing, amazing, and true. I am so blessed to have a God like Him.
Can I get an amen?
On a mission for God,
However, this is not the point of this blog.
My point is:
If my dad loves me so much to "look for me for the rest of his life", I can only begin to imagine how much my God loves me. He is love is deeper, unfailing, amazing, and true. I am so blessed to have a God like Him.
Can I get an amen?
On a mission for God,
Fantastic Weekend
Here's a recap of my weekend:
Shaylee's dance recital. (You can view videos on my Facebook)
Dinner at Panda Express w/ some great girls. (Did I mention that Chinese Food is the way to my heart?)
ABDC/Game night at Kaci's Apartment. We played Mad Gab, tell me what you think the next few words are? (I pull chews) ....did you get apple juice?? Kaci didn't either. Love that girl.
Zoo w/ Alicia & her family and Shaylee. Great fun and a sunburn. :)
Fro Yo w/ Shaylee & Alicia
Bible Study w/ Shaylee & Alicia
Tomorrow is church & a great way to end a close to perfect weekend. :)
What was your weekend like?
On a mission for God,
Shaylee's dance recital. (You can view videos on my Facebook)
Dinner at Panda Express w/ some great girls. (Did I mention that Chinese Food is the way to my heart?)
ABDC/Game night at Kaci's Apartment. We played Mad Gab, tell me what you think the next few words are? (I pull chews) ....did you get apple juice?? Kaci didn't either. Love that girl.
Zoo w/ Alicia & her family and Shaylee. Great fun and a sunburn. :)
Fro Yo w/ Shaylee & Alicia
Bible Study w/ Shaylee & Alicia
Tomorrow is church & a great way to end a close to perfect weekend. :)
What was your weekend like?
On a mission for God,
Be Steady, Be Ready
This little blog post is inspired by tonight's sermon by the preacher at my home church. :)
We've all heard the story in Daniel 3. It's about King Nebuchadnezzar and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego. But have we every really thought about it?
These three men were sentenced to death by fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar. Do you remember why? It was because they would not break one of the commandments. Bowing down to another god. They knew who their God was and they were not about to trade Him in to please the king. So, the king sentenced them to death.
In verse 19, the king commanded the servants to heat the furnace seven times more than it was usually heated. SEVEN TIMES MORE. I'm guessing it was super hot! In verse 22, you see that the king's servants died because of the heat of the furnace while they were taking Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego to the furnace. It was so hot just standing by the furnace, it killed them. Crazy! In verse 25, one of the king's counselors pointed out to the king that he saw four men loose walking around in the midst of flames in the furnace. These four men were not hurt, they were just walking around like nobodys business. In verse 29, the king declares that no one should put down Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego's God. He saw that they were fully protected by their Lord and he wasn't about to go against Him.
In verse 27, it tells of how no harm came about them and how there wasn't even the smell of fire on their clothes. Which brings me to item #1, as said by the preacher, "God takes care of even the smallest detail...that's how great He is.
I believe the following items (#2 & #3) is how Shad, Mes, and Abed pleased God.. yes I gave them nicknames. :)
#2) BE STEADY (1 Cor. 15:58)
--If we have faith in God, we can be steady. (Eph. 6:10-11;13 -- 1 Cor. 16:13)
-- to preach and teach. (2 Tim. 4:1-2)
-- to tell others why you believe and obey God. (1 Pet. 3:15)
-- for when He comes again. (Matt. 24: 42-44)
DISCLAIMER: All credit for this post goes to my preacher. :) He's one smart cookie.
On a Mission for God,
We've all heard the story in Daniel 3. It's about King Nebuchadnezzar and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego. But have we every really thought about it?
These three men were sentenced to death by fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar. Do you remember why? It was because they would not break one of the commandments. Bowing down to another god. They knew who their God was and they were not about to trade Him in to please the king. So, the king sentenced them to death.
In verse 19, the king commanded the servants to heat the furnace seven times more than it was usually heated. SEVEN TIMES MORE. I'm guessing it was super hot! In verse 22, you see that the king's servants died because of the heat of the furnace while they were taking Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego to the furnace. It was so hot just standing by the furnace, it killed them. Crazy! In verse 25, one of the king's counselors pointed out to the king that he saw four men loose walking around in the midst of flames in the furnace. These four men were not hurt, they were just walking around like nobodys business. In verse 29, the king declares that no one should put down Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego's God. He saw that they were fully protected by their Lord and he wasn't about to go against Him.
In verse 27, it tells of how no harm came about them and how there wasn't even the smell of fire on their clothes. Which brings me to item #1, as said by the preacher, "God takes care of even the smallest detail...that's how great He is.
I believe the following items (#2 & #3) is how Shad, Mes, and Abed pleased God.. yes I gave them nicknames. :)
#2) BE STEADY (1 Cor. 15:58)
--If we have faith in God, we can be steady. (Eph. 6:10-11;13 -- 1 Cor. 16:13)
-- to preach and teach. (2 Tim. 4:1-2)
-- to tell others why you believe and obey God. (1 Pet. 3:15)
-- for when He comes again. (Matt. 24: 42-44)
DISCLAIMER: All credit for this post goes to my preacher. :) He's one smart cookie.
On a Mission for God,
Siblings --> Christapher & Peyton
Today I took some pictures of some adorable little boys.
Here's a sneak peek.
Here's a sneak peek.
Whattaya think?
On a mission for God,
25 things that make me happy.
I feel like sometimes a blog post about things that make you happy is something that is good for the soul! :)
25 Things:
1) When class is canceled.
2) A freshly balanced checkbook. It releases stress. :)
3) Getting to know people better. (Especially those I'm going to Germany with.)
4) Church by the lake. Amazing. (I felt God there.)
5) Scriptures popping out to me while I'm reading the Bible. It makes me not want to put it down.
6) Knowing everything is going to be okay.
7) Knowing God is in control of a situation. It's like a breath of fresh air.
8) Hearing people's testimonies. God works miracles.
9) Getting homework done way before it is due.
10) A clean room.
11) Pretty pictures.
12) Being myself.
13) Writing Thank You notes.
14) Singing.
15) Being organized.
16) Getting good news.
17) People smiling at you.
18) Talking to my mom and dad on the phone.
19) Knowing my summer is going to be spent serving God and others. I'm betting it's going to be the best summer of my life.
20) Hitting a high note.
21) Nataliee Stephanie Ayiana Kimbro. There is not a thing I wouldn't do for that little girl.
22) Hearing about my brother's accomplishments and exciting things for him. I'm so proud of that tall - little guy.
23) Knowing I get to go home and see my family this weekend. It's been 3 weeks!
24) Compliments from strangers.
25) Serving the only one and true God.
What makes you happy?
On a mission for God,
25 Things:
1) When class is canceled.
2) A freshly balanced checkbook. It releases stress. :)
3) Getting to know people better. (Especially those I'm going to Germany with.)
4) Church by the lake. Amazing. (I felt God there.)
5) Scriptures popping out to me while I'm reading the Bible. It makes me not want to put it down.
6) Knowing everything is going to be okay.
7) Knowing God is in control of a situation. It's like a breath of fresh air.
8) Hearing people's testimonies. God works miracles.
9) Getting homework done way before it is due.
10) A clean room.
11) Pretty pictures.
12) Being myself.
13) Writing Thank You notes.
14) Singing.
15) Being organized.
16) Getting good news.
17) People smiling at you.
18) Talking to my mom and dad on the phone.
19) Knowing my summer is going to be spent serving God and others. I'm betting it's going to be the best summer of my life.
20) Hitting a high note.
21) Nataliee Stephanie Ayiana Kimbro. There is not a thing I wouldn't do for that little girl.
22) Hearing about my brother's accomplishments and exciting things for him. I'm so proud of that tall - little guy.
23) Knowing I get to go home and see my family this weekend. It's been 3 weeks!
24) Compliments from strangers.
25) Serving the only one and true God.
What makes you happy?
On a mission for God,
More than amazing weekend!
Amazing can't even sum this weekend up.
The group I'm going to Germany with all went to Lake Tenkiller and stayed in a cabin for the weekend. There were so many good conversations and so much laughter. The singing was beautiful, the food was delicious, the people are great! I cannot wait to be in Germany for a month with these guys! :)
The group I'm going to Germany with all went to Lake Tenkiller and stayed in a cabin for the weekend. There were so many good conversations and so much laughter. The singing was beautiful, the food was delicious, the people are great! I cannot wait to be in Germany for a month with these guys! :)
Rough Week..
Oh, this week has been rough. I had an Earth Science exam tonight that I have been studying for all week. To top it off, nothing I studied for the exam was on it. I did the best I could so I probably failed. If I failed, I'm going to have to drop the class. Dropping the class means I will drop down to 9 hours which would make me a part time student. This sucks!
Secondly, my friends and I were planning on moving into a condo next Fall. We were all excited and planning the decorations, until the man I was renting it from told me his daughter still wants to live there. Crushed. So, now we are back to square one.
However, this weekend will be grand! Tomorrow at 4, I am leaving with the mission trip group to go to Lake Tenkiller for our retreat. I can't wait to get out of Edmond!
How was your week?
On a mission for God,
Secondly, my friends and I were planning on moving into a condo next Fall. We were all excited and planning the decorations, until the man I was renting it from told me his daughter still wants to live there. Crushed. So, now we are back to square one.
However, this weekend will be grand! Tomorrow at 4, I am leaving with the mission trip group to go to Lake Tenkiller for our retreat. I can't wait to get out of Edmond!
How was your week?
On a mission for God,
"God Doesn't Make No Junk"
So, because I am on this Bible challenge, I am reading the book of Hebrews. I'm trying to finish it all tonight, but it shouldn't be hard...
A couple of passages in Hebrews stuck out to me:
Okay, so basically those are from different books of the Bible, but they are listed in Hebrews as well.
These verses are basically saying that God doesn't change. He stays the same. He isn't going anywhere. He is always here for us in great accomplishments and gut-wrenching tragedies. He is true and faithful.
What did we as humans do to deserve God's love and faithfulness? Absolutely nothing! We don't deserve it. We fail him all the time. We don't always live exactly as we should and we aren't always the people we should be. Nevertheless, God doesn't leave us, He stays by our side.
I think we sometimes forget that God made all things and all things God made are beautiful, including humans. Every human is beautiful in his/her own way. God doesn't make mistakes...or as the old saying goes "God doesn't make no junk!".
What do you think?
On a mission for God,
A couple of passages in Hebrews stuck out to me:
"You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your hands. (Ps. 122:25-27) They will perish, but You remain; And they will all grow old like a garment; (Is. 34:4; Is. 50:9; 51:6.) Like a cloak You will fold them up, And they will be changed. But You are the same, and Your years will not fail. (Heb. 13:8)" - Heb. 1:10-12.
Okay, so basically those are from different books of the Bible, but they are listed in Hebrews as well.
These verses are basically saying that God doesn't change. He stays the same. He isn't going anywhere. He is always here for us in great accomplishments and gut-wrenching tragedies. He is true and faithful.
"What is man that You are mindful of him, or the son of man that You take care of him? (Ps. 8:4-6)" - Heb. 2:6.
What did we as humans do to deserve God's love and faithfulness? Absolutely nothing! We don't deserve it. We fail him all the time. We don't always live exactly as we should and we aren't always the people we should be. Nevertheless, God doesn't leave us, He stays by our side.
"For every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God." -Heb. 3:4
I think we sometimes forget that God made all things and all things God made are beautiful, including humans. Every human is beautiful in his/her own way. God doesn't make mistakes...or as the old saying goes "God doesn't make no junk!".
What do you think?
On a mission for God,
A vow to myself.
I recently made a promise to myself.
I absolutely love to read. I am currently waiting on the sequel to my favorite book, "Salvaged" to come out. However, I cannot read this book until I complete something.
I hate how I get excited about reading a book, but I cannot get excited about reading the Bible. Why devote my time to a book that is just for pleasure, when I could devote my time to a book that is saving my life and soul. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Salvaged, but this is something that was weighing heavy on my heart.
So here's my promise to myself.
I WILL NOT read a book for myself until I completely read the Bible all the way through.
I started on it this week and so far I have read Galatians through 2nd Thessalonians. I know these books don't have many chapters to them, maybe 6 at the most, but still for reading every night(ish) for 3 or 4 days now, I say that's pretty good. Tonight I read Colossians through 2nd Thessalonians and I could not put it down. It was so good! I absolutely love when scriptures pop out to me while I'm reading God's Word. I think my favorite verse(s) tonight were: 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18; 5:1-4.
I am loving my self challenge.
Won't you join me?
On a Mission for God,
I absolutely love to read. I am currently waiting on the sequel to my favorite book, "Salvaged" to come out. However, I cannot read this book until I complete something.
I hate how I get excited about reading a book, but I cannot get excited about reading the Bible. Why devote my time to a book that is just for pleasure, when I could devote my time to a book that is saving my life and soul. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Salvaged, but this is something that was weighing heavy on my heart.
So here's my promise to myself.
I WILL NOT read a book for myself until I completely read the Bible all the way through.
I started on it this week and so far I have read Galatians through 2nd Thessalonians. I know these books don't have many chapters to them, maybe 6 at the most, but still for reading every night(ish) for 3 or 4 days now, I say that's pretty good. Tonight I read Colossians through 2nd Thessalonians and I could not put it down. It was so good! I absolutely love when scriptures pop out to me while I'm reading God's Word. I think my favorite verse(s) tonight were: 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18; 5:1-4.
I am loving my self challenge.
Won't you join me?
On a Mission for God,
So, I am back on a diet... go me!
With that being said, tonight for supper, I made some pretty bomb soup.
Let's call it:
Fiesta in a can(s) ?...sure...
Here's what you need:
- 1 Can Chunk Chicken Breast (or chicken breast you have to cook yourself, but I don't like cooking chicken.)
- 1 Can Yellow Corn (sadly, I bought hominy instead, so I didn't get to put it in my soup.)
- 1 Can Chilli Beans
- 1 Can Diced Tomatoes
- 1 Can Verde Salsa
Pour all ingredients into a medium pot. While it is cooking, add some chopped green onions.
(or, if you don't like onions, you can skip this step...but I LOVE onions. Plus, it adds more color to the soup.)
Then add your seasonings...
I used --- "Mrs. Dash - Garlic & Herb"
& some basil leaves.
Let it simmer for 10-15 minutes...
You have soup! I topped mine off with Mozarella cheese and added Tortilla and slices of cheddar cheese.
On a Mission for God,
With that being said, tonight for supper, I made some pretty bomb soup.
Let's call it:
Fiesta in a can(s) ?...sure...
Here's what you need:
- 1 Can Chunk Chicken Breast (or chicken breast you have to cook yourself, but I don't like cooking chicken.)
- 1 Can Yellow Corn (sadly, I bought hominy instead, so I didn't get to put it in my soup.)
- 1 Can Chilli Beans
- 1 Can Diced Tomatoes
- 1 Can Verde Salsa
Pour all ingredients into a medium pot. While it is cooking, add some chopped green onions.
(or, if you don't like onions, you can skip this step...but I LOVE onions. Plus, it adds more color to the soup.)
Then add your seasonings...
I used --- "Mrs. Dash - Garlic & Herb"
& some basil leaves.
Let it simmer for 10-15 minutes...
You have soup! I topped mine off with Mozarella cheese and added Tortilla and slices of cheddar cheese.
On a Mission for God,
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