
I'm blogging this late because, I can't sleep. Go figure. I know I have been slacking on my "thankful" blogs, so here I go trying to make up one.

Today, I am thankful for the innocence of a child. I was reading on a friends tumblr and I came over a blog which were of notes that children had written to God. Here are a few.

I got to spend a lot of time with my cousin Nataliee this weekend. If you haven't read previous blogs before, Nataliee is my 2 1/2 year old cousin who I consider a little sister. After seeing these little notes, I was reminded of Nataliee's innocence. You see, Nataliee has a little habit of saying a bad word in Spanish and every time she says it she gets in trouble. In her little mind, she has no idea what that word means and doesn't understand that it is a really bad word. She does say "That's a bad word" after she says it but still she has no idea what any of it means. To us, if you heard someone saying a "bad word", you would correct them and say "No, that isn't right" or "Would you talk like that in front of your Mama?", but to Nataliee and other younger children, it's just another everyday word because they don't know the meaning of that. Which brings me to my next point. I would give almost anything to be young and innocent again. To not have to worry about homework, work, expenses, paying rent, or making important decisions. I really miss being little.

What about you??

In Him,

Listen To >> Incompatible by Natasha Bedingfield


I am thankful for: HOME.

After my little rant yesterday, I felt that it was only fair that I post something I am thankful for. So, with that said, I am thankful for: HOME!! For some home is just a building they live in. For me, it's my mom, my dad, my brother, my grandparents, my aunts, my uncles, my cousins , my friends. Home is where I am reminded of who I really am and what I stand for, because I seem to lose myself sometimes in this big ole' city. I am continually grateful for the awesome family that God gave me. Why I deserve it, I have no idea. I know I didn't do anything to deserve it. My family is what makes me, well...me. I think it's fair to say that I am close to everyone in my family. It's very fair to say that I love all of them very much. Gosh, I cry just thinking about how blessed I am. I am the luckiest girl in the world! With all that being said, I cannot wait to go home tomorrow to prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving with the best family anyone could have. :)

Also, I want to say that even though my my grandma, or my "Nanny" is no longer with us, I am so very thankful for her and the time I got to spend with her on this Earth. She helped shape me into the person I am today and I miss her so much. This will be our 3rd Thanksgiving without her and things haven't been the same since. A little bit of joy has been taken out of the holidays. I love you Nanny and I miss you more and more everyday. Love, your little ladybug.


Okay, this blog isn't going to be one of something I am thankful for, because technically what I am about to write about is not something you would be thankful for in this sense.

It's just something I need to get off my chest.
PARENTS. No, I'm not having problems with mine. Our relationship couldn't be better. I'm talking about parents around me that I see how they spent their time raising their kids. In my opinion, there is line that needs to be drawn between best friend and a mom/dad. For instance, my mom is my best friend but there is a line where she is my mother & that comes before being my best friend, because her job is to BE A MOTHER. I'm not going to mention any names because that will just get things started and we don't want that. But I just need to let this out.

Like I stated before, a mother/father should be a mother/father to her/his children, not try to be a best friend and more importantly, a mother/father should not try to act like a teenager when she/he has a few teenagers of her/his own. I won't list the reasons why I am ranting about this but if you know me personally, you know why I am...


I am thankful for: TOMS

I absolutely love these shoes!! These are the ones I got tonight.

For those of you who aren't familiar with Toms go check out their website. http://www.toms.com. They have a really cool movement called One for One and for each pair of shoes you buy, a pair is donated to a child in need in Argentina! It's a pretty neat little deal. Go check it out and buy some Toms! They have many different styles and they really aren't that expensive. These were $75, but that's only because they are lace-ups. Their original ones are $50. :):)


I am thankful for: BIRTHDAYS?

Yes, that might sound a little bad but I found it fitting because today is my 20th birthday! :)
I am no longer a teenager! Whaoooo! Birthdays are great! You get cake and presents! Just kidding, that's not the real reason why I love birthdays! I love birthdays because it is a day dedicated to someone and all day you get to celebrate them in honor of their birthday! I feel like everyone should have a day to be celebrated. So Happy Birthday to everyone who shares this day with me! :)


I am thankful for: JESUS!!

I am thankful for: Jesus
Why? For many many many reasons! This Man died on the cross for me and for you for the remissions of our sins and in return all He asks is that we follow the gospel by being baptized and live faithfully until death! He is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.
"Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned." -Mark 16:16
Are you thankful for what this Man has done for you?


I am thankful for: SLEEP?

Yes, I am definitely thankful for SLEEP! Even though it's the weekend, I feel like I didn't get the amount of sleep I usually do. I was actually having to keep myself awake in church this morning. So after church I came home and I crashed for a couple of hours, only to wake up to guests at our house and being embarrassed by my father and my brother. Thanks guys! But, now I feel pretty much rested and feel like I'm getting sick, oh well. You win some, you lose some. Now, I'm just ready for Thanksgiving break!!!

I really hope my week doesn't look like this:

What are


I am thankful for: LU-JO.

I look forward to every summer & Camp Lu-Jo KISMIF is my reason why. I absolutely love this place & I cannot imagine what I would do if it didn't exist. I have been going to Lu-Jo every summer since I was in the 1st grade and boy have I had some great summers there. :)

I have made some amazing friends that have truly been there for me during my moments of doubt and when I least deserved friendship and I couldn't be more thankful for the place that brought us together like that. :)
Thank you God for Lu-Jo!


I am thankful for: COLLEGE.

Yes, it may be a little rough at times and I may feel like giving up, but I have to say that I really love college. It has truly challenged me in ways that I was definitely not challenged in high school and I couldn't be more thankful for that. I enrolled today for next semester and I am so excited because I will be starting on my teaching classes! Hello Technology for Teachers, Fundamentals of Literature, and Earth Science, be prepared to be dominated! :)

Thank you UCO for challenging me!

Also, tonight I went to see the play Steel Magnolias with my Mom and Heather and it was such a good play! It was almost 3 hours long but it was such a good play!

& here is a picture of my brother for my previous post:

I love you Bubba! :)


I am thankful for: MY BROTHER.

So, I was going to post a picture on here, but I'm on a different computer and this computer won't let me save pictures to it. Booo. I'll post one next time.

Anyway, I am very thankful for my precious brother. He turned 14 this past July and while I think that is just crazy and ridiculous, I am very grateful. My brother is Dylan. :) He is truly better than me in so many ways and I love him to death, even though we bicker and fight sometimes, we still have a pretty strong relationship. but, he still can't beat me up. I still win. :)))

I love you Brotha. :)


I am thankful for: MY PHILOSOPHY CLASS.

Call me what you may, but I really am thankful for this class. Yes, it's philosophy. Yes, it's hard. And yes, it requires you to think deeply. However, the reason I am thankful for this class is not for any of these reasons. I am thankful for it because of this following quote:

"When our days become dreary with low-hovering clouds and our nights become darker than a thousand midnights, let us remember that there is a great
benign Power in the universe whose name is God, and He is able to make a way out of no way, and transform dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows. This is our hope for becoming\g better men. This is our mandate for seeking to make a better world. - Martin Luther King Jr. (A Testament of Hope)

I really like this quote that I found in this book while reading it for class and I am starting to really like Martin. ;) He was a very smart and spiritual man. So, thank you Philosophy class.


I am thankful for: MY PARENTS.

Today, I am thankful for my parents. They are two of the most wonderful people that I know. They have truly sacrificed so much for my brother and I so that we could have a great childhood. They have raised us in a great home with more then we could ever need. They are definitely the best parents in the world! :)

Here are my lovely parents:
Thank you mom and dad for giving me and Dylan the best. I love you both.


I am thankful for: NATALIEE

You may be wondering who Nataliee is. Let me tell you. Technically, Nataliee is my 2 year old cousin, but I like to call her my sister because I have so much love for this little girl. Nataliee was adopted into our family by my aunt and uncle a little over a year ago. For such a little girl, she is so full of life and has a HUGE personality.
Yesterday, she was with my mom for church and she kept asking my mom "Where is Nay-Nay"? (< That's what she calls me) and of course my mom would tell her I was at school. Mom told me about this so I asked to speak with her on the phone and then she proceeded to tell me "I love you Nay-Nay". It made my day!

Here is the beautiful little girl.


I am thankful for: FRIENDS!

Last night, I went to a friend's parents house and played rockband with my "crew" from OC. :)It was a great time with wonderful friends. We also went to Cuppies and Joe. A quaint little coffee shop in OKC on 23rd street. If you have never been you should go. I love it! My night consisted of great fun, great friends, great conversation, and getting lost a couple of times! :)

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17


I am thankful for: A CLEAN ROOM

So, this is my first time to be posting my blog from my phone's internet, so i don't know how this is going to work.

today, i am thankful for my clean room. I spent several hours cleaning it but now i feel more organized & put together. It's a great feeling!


I am thankful for: A WARM BED

Yes, I am very thankful for my bed and I cannot wait to go home after class and take a nap! :)
It seemed like last night passed by so fast. ha.

Seriously, I am really thankful that I am blessed enough to even have a bed because there are those out there who sleep on the streets at night.

However, there need be no poor people among you, for in the land the LORD your God is giving you to possess as your inheritance, he will richly bless you." -Deut. 15:4


I am thankful for: THE LIBRARY

..because that is where I have spent all my time this week and I feel more productive because of it! :)
Plus, it gives me quality time with great friends! :)


I am thankful for: SWEATPANTS

Stole this from a friend. Forgive me Keisha.

For the remaining days of November, every day, I will write something I am thankful for.

Today..I am thankful for sweatpants.
I bought 2 new pairs last night and I'm in love! I love when I don't have to dress up and I can feel cozy all day. :)



The other day I was sitting around just thinking about my family and how blessed I am to have them.
Here's why:

My mom - She is my ROCK. My best friend and a wonderful example. I am so very thankful God blessed me with her. Truly an inspiration.

My dad - Someone I can count on. Works hard to support his family and loves me unconditionally. Very blessed as well.

My brother - The coolest guy you will ever meet or at least he thinks he is. :) He is a good example and is better than me in so many ways.

My grandpas - Two of the most wonderful men you will ever meet. They love their grandchildren like crazy and are always there for us.

My Uncles - Some of the craziest men. I am actually afraid to bring my future husband home to meet them one day. Not because they will be hounding him with questions (that's my dad's job) but because they are pretty weird. In a nice way of course. My boyfriend might now want me after meeting them. Only kidding. :)

My Aunts - All very different from eachother but in the same way similar. They will stand their ground for their family and won't take smack from anyone.

My Cousins - They are all completely different from eachother, but from each one of them I have a trust source and I know in most cases I can count on them.

I am so blessed! God is good.