Sorry I have not blogged in a while. Things have definitely been crazy with finals and Christmas. But, hopefully I'm back. :)
So, finals went pretty good. I ended semester better than what I thought I would so that's always nice.
But Christmas was amazing! I got the main thing I wanted, which was a Nikon. So, I am very pleased. Christmas was definitely a time that was well spent with family and family friends. But now that everything is over with, I am wore out. Luckily, this year I will not be spending New Years Eve on the couch with mom and dad, I will be traveling to Duncan to spend it with my best friend Jacqui. Not that I don't love hanging out with Mom and Dad, I just really need to get out of the house this year.
Here are a few pictures of Christmas that I took with my Nikon.
While the pictures aren't showing all the family because everyone was actually over on Christmas Eve and that's when we had the real celebration, and they aren't showing all the presents they got, these are the moments I enjoyed this Christmas.
How was your Christmas and what were your favorite moments?
In Him,
So, finals went pretty good. I ended semester better than what I thought I would so that's always nice.
But Christmas was amazing! I got the main thing I wanted, which was a Nikon. So, I am very pleased. Christmas was definitely a time that was well spent with family and family friends. But now that everything is over with, I am wore out. Luckily, this year I will not be spending New Years Eve on the couch with mom and dad, I will be traveling to Duncan to spend it with my best friend Jacqui. Not that I don't love hanging out with Mom and Dad, I just really need to get out of the house this year.
Here are a few pictures of Christmas that I took with my Nikon.
My brother in his Union Suit (pajamas) with his new bow from "Santa".
Pecan Pies my mom made.
Shooting his new gun that I got him for Christmas.
My beautiful mother cheesing it up.
My dad playing the Wii.
Nataliee trying to decorate the tree.
Nataliee giving my mom kisses.
Frosty the Snowman. :)
My mom and Uncle in their Christmas Hats.
"Un-traditional" Christmas Dinner.
Nataliee kissing Frosty.
While the pictures aren't showing all the family because everyone was actually over on Christmas Eve and that's when we had the real celebration, and they aren't showing all the presents they got, these are the moments I enjoyed this Christmas.
How was your Christmas and what were your favorite moments?
In Him,
Shaylee Rae-Nay Kimbro
For those of you who don't know..
In Him,
This is my cousin, Shaylee Kimbro, and she has been begging to me to write a blog about her. Ha. I'm sure she'll love the picture. You see, Shaylee is a special person. She is one of smartest but also one of the blondest people I know. Sometimes, this girl says the stupidest things. For instance: "I've realized the later I stay up, the later I wake up the next day."
Shaylee and I live together in Edmond, where we attend school at UCO. This always makes for an interesting time. We always know how to make each other laugh and how to make each other mad. Yes, we fight like sisters but we are still close and we can get over arguments pretty quick. Next year, Shaylee will be leaving me to attend school at USAO, but I know she will do great. It's what God is calling her to do, so she has to do it. Although we will be several miles apart, I know we will still be close and it'll probably still just be like we live together.
Love you Shay!In Him,
Work, Work, Work.
First things first, I took a final that I had been dreading tonight. I had to pass this test with a 70 or better and I believe I did really well on that. Wahoo! :)
Second. I don't know about all of you, but I am blessed with a great job! When I first started my job about a year and 3 months ago, I couldn't even imagine all the blessings that were going to come with it. I work with some amazing people who are not only great co-workers, but great friends. I tell most of them a lot about my personal life and they always have good advice for me. Always. Oh, you're probably wondering where I work....
Second. I don't know about all of you, but I am blessed with a great job! When I first started my job about a year and 3 months ago, I couldn't even imagine all the blessings that were going to come with it. I work with some amazing people who are not only great co-workers, but great friends. I tell most of them a lot about my personal life and they always have good advice for me. Always. Oh, you're probably wondering where I work....
I work at Dennis Chaumont - State Farm. It is truly one of the best places to work and we sell some very great priced insurance (Call, Click or Come In. (405) 341-4581, dennischaumont.com). I have a fantastic boss who is very lenient with my crazy school schedule and I believe he will make a great landlord. Yes, you read that right. Landlord. He offered to let me rent out his condo next year for almost next to nothing. I haven't told the girl (my best friend) I'm going to live with yet, but I probably should. Ha, Jacqui. :) Which reminds me, I need a 3rd roommate assuming Jacqui will want to live in this amazing place. So, if you or someone you know are interested I'm taking applications. ;) You can e-mail me at cherish.sheffield.rjuq@statefarm.com or find me on facebook. Anywho, like I said my job is amazing and I am so very blessed.
In Him,
I have been very productive today! Woo Hoo! This makes me happy! :)
First of all, I didn't have to be at work until 12, so I got to sleep until 11:35. Oh yeah. While at work, I was productive in getting things done and that was exciting. When I got home, I completely cleaned my room and my bathroom and I did a few dishes and picked up the living room. As of right now, I'm about to study for a health test that I am not the least bit worried about and I have laundry going. Looks like it'll be an early night. Yay! :)
How was your day?
In Him,
First of all, I didn't have to be at work until 12, so I got to sleep until 11:35. Oh yeah. While at work, I was productive in getting things done and that was exciting. When I got home, I completely cleaned my room and my bathroom and I did a few dishes and picked up the living room. As of right now, I'm about to study for a health test that I am not the least bit worried about and I have laundry going. Looks like it'll be an early night. Yay! :)
How was your day?
In Him,
The Biggest Loser
Tonight, Shaylee and I attempted to work out to this video.
In Him,
It didn't happen very long. Wanna know why? This lady is nuts!!! AND, AND, she wasn't even working out during the video. She had her little "slaves" doing it for her. What kind of workout video is that. Pshhh.
Forget you, Jillian Michaels. Forget you!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend. :)
In Him,
be back soon....
School is killing me. It'll be a while before I can blog again. I even changed my facebook password to something I don't even know what I wrote. After Finals are over, I'll be back. Promise!! :)
Have a great week and a half! :)
In Him,
Have a great week and a half! :)
In Him,
Happiness. :)
Here are a few things that make me happy and brighten my day(s):
1.) Getting an unexpected text message from a friend who I haven't spoken to in a while.
2.) That sense of accomplishment when I figure out a math problem.
3.) Knowing that I get to go home very soon.
4.) Asking my preacher questions. I know he can answer them like none other.
5.) Playing charades with my roommates.
6.) This semester is almost over!!!
7.) Clean clothes.
8.) Lighting a candle.
9.) Making a new friend.
10.) When people smile at me.
11.) Laughter.
12. ) Giving Christmas gifts.
13. ) Remember what Christmas is about.
14.) Long talks with God that make me cry.
15. ) Knowing God has a purpose for my life.
What makes you happy? Feel free to leave comments. :))
1.) Getting an unexpected text message from a friend who I haven't spoken to in a while.
2.) That sense of accomplishment when I figure out a math problem.
3.) Knowing that I get to go home very soon.
4.) Asking my preacher questions. I know he can answer them like none other.
5.) Playing charades with my roommates.
6.) This semester is almost over!!!
7.) Clean clothes.
8.) Lighting a candle.
9.) Making a new friend.
10.) When people smile at me.
11.) Laughter.
12. ) Giving Christmas gifts.
13. ) Remember what Christmas is about.
14.) Long talks with God that make me cry.
15. ) Knowing God has a purpose for my life.
What makes you happy? Feel free to leave comments. :))
I feel like I've been faced with a challenge. Yesterday, as I was sitting in my Speech class a friend and I were talking to a kid in our presentation group. This kid is from Japan. Somehow, we got on the subject of religion and asked him what his religion was. He said that he practices "Shintoism". We asked what they believe and basically they believe that there is power through wind, rain, thunder, etc. So, mother nature. This sparked my interest. We then asked if he had ever been to church and he said no, but he kind of wants to experience that. *a bell went off in my head.* Then my friend went to ask him if he believed in Jesus. He said he believed in Jesus and that he died on the cross. However, he does not believe that Jesus was resurrected. *bummer* We asked him why. He stated that he knows that in the Bible it says that He was, but the Bible was also written by man and that it could have been changed over the years and words could of gotten lost in translation, basically. *uh-oh, how do I rebuttal that?* We didn't exactly know how to rebuttal that, because it was written by man. But, do I believe some of the Bible has been lost in translation? Absolutely not! Well, today I spoke with my mom regarding this and she reminded of a scripture that says that "the Bible is God-breathed." *ring, ring, ring. Why couldn't I remember that yesterday?* Anyways, I feel like God has placed this as a challenge in my life to help this kid find Jesus and the way. Hopefully, through prayer, I can do this. So, I am asking you, readers. Please pray for this "challenge" to lead this kid to Christ. He has already taken the first step by believing, but I don't think he believes completely just yet.
"All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."
- 2 Timothy 3: 16-17
"I, even I, have spoken; yes, I have called him. I will bring him, and he will succeed in his mission." - Isaiah 48:15
Our God is AWESOME!
In Him,
"All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."
- 2 Timothy 3: 16-17
"I, even I, have spoken; yes, I have called him. I will bring him, and he will succeed in his mission." - Isaiah 48:15
Our God is AWESOME!
In Him,
I, Cherish Sheffield, am a procrastinator. Why? Because instead of cleaning my VERY messy room tonight, getting a head start on my paper or packing to go home tomorrow, I laid in bed, slept for an hour, and did absolutely nothing. Well, maybe that's not entirely true. I did clean my bathroom! :))
Oh, and good news: (drum roll please)
Actually that is not just good news, that is AWESOME news!!
FYI, if you wanna know why I keep saying AWESOME, go read my friend, Taryn's blog. She has a challenge for you! :)
In Him,
Oh, and good news: (drum roll please)

Actually that is not just good news, that is AWESOME news!!
FYI, if you wanna know why I keep saying AWESOME, go read my friend, Taryn's blog. She has a challenge for you! :)
In Him,
Ahhh, church. :)
Tonight I went to Memorial Road Church of Christ to the College Service like I normally do, but I hadn't been there in a few weeks and I really needed this. These last few weeks have been hectic, stressful, and so many other things and it was nice to go worship God and get away from it all. For an hour tonight, I did not worry about homework, money, or how clean my room was (although it is VERY messy right now). My focus was on God and worshiping him. Oh, and what a great lesson the College Minister had for us tonight. I admit that here lately I have been in a slump. Spirtually, Mentally, Emotionally and Physically. I have let the little things get me down and stand in my way of looking at the bigger picture, when I shouldn't be. So, it was amazing to get away from worries and go to my escape. Our God is AWESOME!
Tonight I went to Memorial Road Church of Christ to the College Service like I normally do, but I hadn't been there in a few weeks and I really needed this. These last few weeks have been hectic, stressful, and so many other things and it was nice to go worship God and get away from it all. For an hour tonight, I did not worry about homework, money, or how clean my room was (although it is VERY messy right now). My focus was on God and worshiping him. Oh, and what a great lesson the College Minister had for us tonight. I admit that here lately I have been in a slump. Spirtually, Mentally, Emotionally and Physically. I have let the little things get me down and stand in my way of looking at the bigger picture, when I shouldn't be. So, it was amazing to get away from worries and go to my escape. Our God is AWESOME!
In Him,
Listen To >> (the sound of blowing leaves, birds sing --God's symphony)
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