So, I have to say that I really enjoyed labor day weekend. It was so nice to get away from OKLAHOMA. My family & I went down to good ole
Lumberton, Texas to visit some family. We left Ryan at about 5:00 PM & spent forever on the road to arrive at
Lumberton at about 1:00 AM. It was a long drive, needless to say. The Saturday that we were there we took a little trip down to GATOR COUNTRY.

It was pretty sweet to see some alligators up close. I even got to pet one.
Sunday, we went to church at a small little church but it was so nice to meet the people there.
After church, we corralled the group and we all headed down to Galveston to go to the beach. We spent the whole day there and got some pretty cool pictures.

It was one heck of a trip and I really had a great time.
In Him,
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