
It Was Harder Than It Sounded..

Remember my last blog about fasting?
Well, I did it.
Yesterday, I tried fasting to see what it would do for my relationship with God.
What did I fast from you ask?
It was way harder than I expected it to be. Sadly, I only lasted 19 hours, not the whole 24 like I originally planned. After fasting, I was left discouraged. I didn't feel any different in my relationship with God and then only thing I got out of it was that I was super super hungry and I had a headache.
Next time I fast, I believe it will be from something like Facebook or texting, or maybe school? Okay, maybe not really from school, but I wish I could!

If you've fasted before, comment below and tell me about it if you don't mind. Tell me what you fasted from, how long you fasted for, and what you got out of it. I wanna see if I'm missing something.

God bless,


Winterfest Weekend

I had ONE AMAZING WEEKEND. I went to Winterfest with the youth group from my home church. I knew I needed this and I'm so glad I went! This weekend at Winterfest, the speakers talked about 12 disciplines of the Christian faith. Two of them really sparked my interest: Fasting and Meditation. For my whole life, I've always thought fasting was something that followers did in the Old Testament. I knew of different faiths who were doing this in today's modern world, but honestly I kind of thought it was weird and not something members of the church of Christ did. Boy, was I wrong! In Matthew chapter 6 verses 16-18, it says: 16 “Moreover, when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. 17 But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, 18 so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.

You are to fast, but it is only to be seen by God. You aren't supposed to go around bragging about it and informing everyone.

Secondly, meditation. I did not think mediation was for Christians, but again, I was wrong!
Meditation actually very helpful in hearing what God wants to say to you. Try it!

Overall, I really learned a lot this weekend and I am excited to apply it to my everyday life.

God bless,


If I Just Realize....

So, I have this really wise friend Alicia who I mention a lot in my blog and we got together the other night because I hadn't seen her in a while.. Well, we started talking about Christ-centered relationships and dating, like we usually do and this got me thinking. I am so busy wishing and praying for that "someone" to come into my life, that I'm almost to the point where I'm contradicting what I really want in a future husband. Now, I'd be willing to say that I believe most of us single ladies have done this before, just in fantasy. I have to admit, I've been crushing on this guy for a while and not really sure where God wanted me to go with it. I've been praying and having dreams about it, so I thought maybe God was trying to tell me to do something, like maybe I was supposed to take the first step. I even realized that I began contradicting who I was a person to be the person I though he would want. A big NO, NO.  But tonight, I realized something...this is not someone who I would desire to marry. Yes, he's the same faith but I know for a fact that there is one MAJOR thing we don't agree on - instruments in the church. This is something that I believe with ALL my heart that should not be used in worship but that is something to be saved for another blog. When I take a deep look at what I want for a husband (which mainly happened tonight after I watched the Bachelor), I not only want someone who will be a GREAT dad to my children, but someone who has a burning passion for God and is more in love with God then he is with me. Someone who is not only the leader of the household but the spiritual leader. As Alicia and I were talking about this, I realized how IMPORTANT it is that my "future" husband and myself agree upon beliefs, if not all , then most. My "future" children shouldn't have to choose between mommy and daddy's beliefs, while I believe they should figure out what that believe about Christianity, they need a good "base" to mold and shape them. I'm so very glad God revealed this to me.

For you single ladies, what are your thoughts on this?

In Him,


The Pen

My mother has always told me that she believes that I was born to love, that I basically came out of the womb searching for my "perfect" mate. Some days, I believe this is true. I have always been obsessed with the idea of being in love and being with that someone God created for me. Growing up, I had a new crush every week. I had 3 different "boyfriends" in elementary school but none in middle school. In high school, I would just "talk" to guys, but it never went any further than that. Going to college, for me not only meant that I would start a new life and I could "re-create" myself, but it meant more boys and more opportunities to date. But, oh was I wrong. I figured being at a school that consisted of around 25,000 students and having friends at a local Christian University, I would have been engaged by now. This is something I really struggled with over the holidays. Honestly, I probably know around 15 engaged couples right now. Don't get me wrong I am super excited for them and wish them the best, but in a way I'm also jealous. I believe in some way I have struggled in my relationship with God in this area. I know I'm supposed to give Him the "pen" to my love story, but every time I do start talking to someone, I lose all interest in them. Trust me, I've worked really hard to stay interested in them. I have a good friend, Alicia, who I go to for a lot of advice. She's very wise. Think of a 80 year old in a 21 year olds body. ;) I've told her about this reoccurring "problem" and she seems to agree with my theory of why I do this. It's simply not who God intended me to be with. It's seems though, that every guy I'm interested in doesn't even know who I am. And then guys who I am mildly interested in are interested in me, but I lose interest. I don't understand. Yes, I do think I have a pretty good theory, but sometimes I wonder 'was my brain not programmed the right way during my creation?' Am I not made to be married? I sure hope not, because I have my whole "future wedding" planned out on Pinterest right now...just kidding. Okay, maybe not. I've been your typical girl. Planning my wedding since I was the age of 5. When I was 5, my groom was probably my daddy, but that has changed, of course. An old friend, Alana, and I used to set and talk about who we could see ourselves marrying. Boy, have our ideas changed. Thank goodness for me! I honestly don't see anyone at the end of that isle that I'm walking down. Which isn't necesarilly a bad thing. It just means I'm not sure of who God has for me which isn't bad either, but I have to admit I'm getting a little impatient. For those 'guys' who are reading this, if you are, I'm NOT saying the next guy I date is the guy I want to marry, so don't freak out. Ha. But I'm your typical girl who has marriage on the mind.

I know God has a plan but sometimes it so hard to be patient. Is anyone with me?

In Him,


Goodbye 2011

I realize this is a little late - bare with me.

Here is a recap of 2011 in pictures and in no particular order.

My brother came to visit and got to hang out with some college girls. 

A snow storm in February that consisted of sledding in our pond on our land. 

Club level seats at a Thunder Game - so awesome. 

This beautiful angel turned 3!

Surprise party for my mom because she turned 40!

I spent half my summer in Germany spreading God's word with these people. 

I helped lead a Bible study with a group of girls over Song of Solomon. 

Dylan turned 15!

Morgan got baptized! 

Dad turned 44!

I turned 21!

We spent Christmas in the mountains. 

Here's to 2012. Praying that what I hoped for in 2011 happens this year!!
Happy New Year to all! 

In Him, 