
Royal Wedding, of course!

So, I was just now able to actually sit down and watch the Royal Wedding. Thank goodness for DVR and re-runs! Here's a few things I liked/disliked about the wedding...

    I LOVED Kate's dress!! 

    I absolutely loved the sleeves on it! I want my wedding to be a vintage inspired wedding and I felt like her dress was somewhat vintage! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!

    Prince Harry was looking Good!!

    Hey Prince Harry, I'm single!! :)

    I also LOVED the trees in the church that they used for decoration during the ceremony!
    (but I couldn't find a picture..sad day)

    What I didn't like what the kiss..it wasn't long enough! Can I get an amen? I would be wanting the first kiss with my new husband to be longer than 4 seconds!!
    What'd you think of the wedding??

    On a Mission for God,


    Once Saved, Always Saved?? ...I don't think soo.

    Okay, so this post could get me into some trouble...

    Have you ever heard the saying "Once Saved, Always Saved"? What do you think about this?

    Personally, I think this saying is ridiculous!!

    Basically the way I interpret this saying and what I have been told by someone who believes this,  is that once you are "saved", you can go and do what you please, and you're still "good with God". I don't think soooo.

    "...Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life." - Rev. 2:10

    BE FAITHFUL.. UNTIL DEATH. Nowhere does that say go do what you please, your good to go...

    So, readers, tell me what you think...

    On a Mission for God,


    "God Moments"

    Have you ever had one of those moments when you just know that God is looking out for you? Like it's more and more realisitc to you than before? I've had a couple of them and they are my favorite moments. I like to call them...

    "God Moments".

    For instance, today as my family and I were traveling back from NTLTC which is in Dallas, TX, we stopped in Decatur, TX to get a few things for our Easter celebration tomorrow. We were all kind of a little gripy because we were running low on sleep and trying to get things together for Easter last minute, so I guess you could say that we needed a wake-up call. Well, we got one.

    While we were checking out in Wal-Mart, a person comes over the intercom and announces that there is a tornado that has touched down in Decatur and everyone needed to get to the middle of the store. As we preceeded to the middle of the store, I kept telling myself, "Don't freak out Cherish, every thing will be okay." But then I would doubt myself of course, because who am I? I didn't really know if everything would be okay. I then sat down on the ground and started praying, just asking God to keep us safe if it was His will and to comfort me. He definitely came through! After I prayed I started looking up verses on my "Phone Bible" about safety and reading those. Then, all of the sudden, the song "Safe" by Phil Wickham popped in my head. For those of you who don't know the song, in one line it says "You will be safe in His arms, You will be safe in His arms." Those few words kept repeating in my head and I was so calm.

    After we got home, my mom commented on how calm I had been during all of the mess and I just replied "Thanks Mom, but it wasn't me who kept myself calm."

    God kept me calm and safe and I am so greatful for that and the love He shows us.

    On a Mission for God,


    Deep Kind Of Love

    So, the other day, I was discussing with my dad where I would be going during my free travel during the mission trip this summer. For those of you who are curious, I am going to Amsterdam, Holland & Vienna, Austria. Whenever I told my dad I was going to Amsterdam, he freaked! He went on to say "Do you realize what Amsterdam is known for?" Of course, I do. But that is definitely not what I am going for. As my dad continued to freak out, he said "If something happens to you, I will spend the rest of my life looking for you." Those words hit me hard, in a good way. My dad - my protector - vowed to me that if something were to happen to me while I was overseas, he would spend the REST OF HIS LIFE looking for me. I wanted to bawl my eyes out right then. (I quickly reassured him that I was only going to be there for a day; it helped a little.) You may be wondering why I wanted to bawl my eyes out. The kind of love my dad was expressing in those few words is a deep kind of love. My dad loves me so much that he would spend the rest of his life looking for me if something were to happen to me. (Which I'm sure it won't and I'll come back to the states in 1 piece.) That is amazing love that is hard to describe. I am so so blessed to have a "daddy" like him. I love him so much. :)

    However, this is not the point of this blog.

    My point is:

    If my dad loves me so much to "look for me for the rest of his life", I can only begin to imagine how much my God loves me. He is love is deeper, unfailing, amazing, and true. I am so blessed to have a God like Him.

    Can I get an amen?

    On a mission for God,


    Fantastic Weekend

    Here's a recap of my weekend:

    Shaylee's dance recital. (You can view videos on my Facebook)
    Dinner at Panda Express w/ some great girls. (Did I mention that Chinese Food is the way to my heart?)

    ABDC/Game night at Kaci's Apartment. We played Mad Gab, tell me what you think the next few words are? (I pull chews) ....did you get apple juice?? Kaci didn't either.  Love that girl.

    Zoo w/ Alicia & her family and Shaylee. Great fun and a sunburn. :)
    Fro Yo w/ Shaylee & Alicia

    Bible Study w/ Shaylee & Alicia

    Tomorrow is church & a great way to end a close to perfect weekend. :)

    What was your weekend like?

    On a mission for God,


    Be Steady, Be Ready

    This little blog post is inspired by tonight's sermon by the preacher at my home church. :)

    We've all heard the story in Daniel 3. It's about King Nebuchadnezzar and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego. But have we every really thought about it?

    These three men were sentenced to death by fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar. Do you remember why? It was because they would not break one of the commandments. Bowing down to another god. They knew who their God was and they were not about to trade Him in to please the king. So, the king sentenced them to death.

    In verse 19, the king commanded the servants to heat the furnace seven times more than it was usually heated. SEVEN TIMES MORE. I'm guessing it was super hot! In verse 22, you see that the king's servants died because of the heat of the furnace while they were taking Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego to the furnace. It was so hot just standing by the furnace, it killed them. Crazy! In verse 25, one of the king's counselors pointed out to the king that he saw four men loose walking around in the midst of flames in the furnace. These four men were not hurt, they were just walking around like nobodys business. In verse 29, the king declares that no one should put down Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego's God. He saw that they were fully protected by their Lord and he wasn't about to go against Him.

    In verse 27, it tells of how no harm came about them and how there wasn't even the smell of fire on their clothes. Which brings me to item #1, as said by the preacher, "God takes care of even the smallest detail...that's how great He is.

    I believe the following items (#2 & #3) is how Shad, Mes, and Abed pleased God.. yes I gave them nicknames. :)

    #2) BE STEADY (1 Cor. 15:58)
    --If we have faith in God, we can be steady. (Eph. 6:10-11;13 -- 1 Cor. 16:13)

    #3) BE READY
    -- to preach and teach. (2 Tim. 4:1-2)
    -- to tell others why you believe and obey God. (1 Pet. 3:15)
    -- for when He comes again. (Matt. 24: 42-44)

    DISCLAIMER: All credit for this post goes to my preacher. :) He's one smart cookie.

    On a Mission for God,


    Siblings --> Christapher & Peyton

    Today I took some pictures of some adorable little boys.

    Here's a sneak peek.

    Whattaya think?

    On a mission for God, 


    25 things that make me happy.

    I feel like sometimes a blog post about things that make you happy is something that is good for the soul! :)

    25 Things:
    1) When class is canceled.
    2) A freshly balanced checkbook. It releases stress. :)
    3) Getting to know people better. (Especially those I'm going to Germany with.)
    4) Church by the lake. Amazing. (I felt God there.)
    5) Scriptures popping out to me while I'm reading the Bible. It makes me not want to put it down.
    6) Knowing everything is going to be okay.
    7) Knowing God is in control of a situation. It's like a breath of fresh air.
    8) Hearing people's testimonies. God works miracles.
    9) Getting homework done way before it is due.
    10) A clean room.
    11) Pretty pictures.
    12) Being myself.
    13) Writing Thank You notes.
    14) Singing.
    15) Being organized.
    16) Getting good news.
    17) People smiling at you.
    18) Talking to my mom and dad on the phone.
    19) Knowing my summer is going to be spent serving God and others. I'm betting it's going to be the best summer of my life.
    20) Hitting a high note.
    21) Nataliee Stephanie Ayiana Kimbro. There is not a thing I wouldn't do for that little girl.
    22) Hearing about my brother's accomplishments and exciting things for him. I'm so proud of that tall - little guy.
    23) Knowing I get to go home and see my family this weekend. It's been 3 weeks!
    24) Compliments from strangers.
    25) Serving the only one and true God.

    What makes you happy?

    On a mission for God,


    More than amazing weekend!

    Amazing can't even sum this weekend up.

    The group I'm going to Germany with all went to Lake Tenkiller and stayed in a cabin for the weekend. There were so many good conversations and so much laughter. The singing was beautiful, the food was delicious, the people are great! I cannot wait to be in Germany for a month with these guys! :)